


El término Raiden o Rayden puede referirse a:

Obtenido de "Raiden"

Wikimedia foundation. 2010.

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Mira otros diccionarios:

  • Raiden — Создатель: Хулио Кастро, Хавьер Олабарриэта Создан: 2006 г. Опубликован: 2006 г. Размер ключа: 128 бит Размер блока: 64 бит Число раундов: 16 Тип …   Википедия

  • Raiden — bezeichnet Raiden Tameemon (雷電爲右エ門), japanischer Sumoringer (1767 – 1825) Raijin (雷電), japanische Schinto Gottheit, Gott des Donners Raiden (Computerspiel), eine Shoot ’em up Reihe des japanischen Unternehmens Seibu Kaihatsu (ab 1990) Mitsubishi… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Raiden — (雷電) es dios de los truenos y rayos en la mitología japonesa; su nombre deriva la palabra japonesa rai (trueno) y den (rayo). Normalmente lo describen como un demonio tocando un tambor para crear truenos. Las creencias tradicionales dicen que el… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Raiden IV — Infobox VG title = Raiden IV developer = MOSS Ltd publisher = Taito designer = release = Arcade:flagicon|Japan vgrelease|Japan|JPN|June 7, 2007 Xbox 360: genre = Vertical scrolling shooter modes = Single player, 2 player Co op cabinet = Upright… …   Wikipedia

  • Raiden — is Japanese for thunder and lightning ; it may refer to:Video games* Raiden (series), a series of scrolling shooter arcade games. ** Raiden (arcade game), the first game in the series ** Raiden II ** Raiden DX ** Raiden III , the revival of the… …   Wikipedia

  • Raiden II — Infobox VG title = Raiden II developer = Seibu Kaihatsu, Kinesoft (Win) publisher = Arcade: flagicon|JapanSeibu Kaihatsu flagicon|USAFabtek Windows 95: flagicon|JapanGAMEBANK Corporation, CyberFront Corporation flagicon|USAInterplay Value… …   Wikipedia

  • Raiden DX — Infobox VG title = Raiden DX developer = Seibu Kaihatsu publisher = flagicon|JapanSeibu Kaihatsu (arcade) Nihon System Inc (PS) Hamster Corporation (PS) flagicon|USAFabtek (arcade) designer = engine = release = 1994 (arcade) flagicon|Japan1997 04 …   Wikipedia

  • Raiden — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Raiden peut désigner : Raiden, un démon de la mythologie japonaise ; Raiden, un personnage de jeu vidéo de la série Metal Gear ; Raiden, un …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Raiden —    Japanese thunder god who is usually depicted as a red demon with two claws on each foot and carrying a drum. There are other thunder beings associated with or derived from Raiden, such as his son Raitaro; Raicho, the thunder bird; Kaminari,… …   Who’s Who in non-classical mythology

  • Raiden (Mortal Kombat) — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Raiden Personaje de Mortal Kombat Creador(es) John Tobias y Ed Boon Información Alias El Dios del Trueno Nacionalidad …   Wikipedia Español

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