



Un ramekin o ramequin es un pequeño plato cóncavo, a menudo de color blanco, preferido generalmente para la preparación de pequeñas porciones de varias recetas cocinadas al horno. Las recetas pueden ser dulces o saladas, y se incluyen los postres, tales como la clásica crème brûlée o la tarta de chocolate fundido, y los platos salados, como por ejemplo moimoi, recetas de queso, y el suflé.


El material con el que se elabora los ramkines suele ser diverso, desde vidrio, hasta porcelana, en muchos casos con el objeto de que puedan soportar las temperaturas de un horno casero. Suelen tener una capacidad que va desde un tercio hasta medio litro.[1]


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  • Ramekin — Ram e*kin (r[a^]m [ e]*k[i^]n), n. same as {Ramequin}. [Webster 1913 Suppl.] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • ramekin — 1706, from Fr. ramequin (late 17c.), of uncertain origin …   Etymology dictionary

  • ramekin — ► NOUN ▪ a small dish for baking and serving an individual portion of food. ORIGIN French ramequin, of Low German or Dutch origin …   English terms dictionary

  • ramekin — or ramequin [ram′ə kin] n. [Fr ramequin < MDu rammeken, cheese dish < dial. var. of rom, cream, akin to OE ream, Ger rahm] 1. a food mixture, specif. one made of bread crumbs, cheese, and eggs, baked in individual baking dishes 2. such a… …   English World dictionary

  • Ramekin — A ramekin or ramequin is a small glazed ceramic serving bowl used for the preparation and serving of various food dishes. With a typical volume of 2 8 oz, ramekins are common dishes used for serving crème brûlée, Molten chocolate cake, moimoi,… …   Wikipedia

  • ramekin — [[t]ræ̱mɪkɪn[/t]] ramekins N COUNT A ramekin or a ramekin dish is a small dish in which food for one person can be baked in the oven …   English dictionary

  • ramekin — UK [ˈræmɪkɪn] / US noun [countable] Word forms ramekin : singular ramekin plural ramekins a small dish used for baking and serving food for one person …   English dictionary

  • ramekin — Ramequin Ram e*quin (r[a^]m [ e]*k[i^]n), n. [F.] 1. (Cookery) A mixture of cheese, eggs, etc., formed in a mold, or served on bread. [Written also {ramekin}.] [1913 Webster] 2. The porcelian or earthen mold in which ramequins are baked and… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • ramekin — n. 1 (in full ramekin case or dish) a small dish for baking and serving an individual portion of food. 2 food served in such a dish, esp. a small quantity of cheese baked with breadcrumbs, eggs, etc. Etymology: F ramequin, of LG or Du. orig …   Useful english dictionary

  • ramekin — also ramequin noun Etymology: French ramequin, from Low German ramken, diminutive of ram cream Date: circa 1706 1. a preparation of cheese especially with bread crumbs or eggs baked in a mold or shell 2. an individual baking dish …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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