Recently (EP)

Recently (EP)

Recently (EP)

Recently (EP)
EP de The Dave Matthews Band
Publicación 1994
Grabación The Birchmere
Alexandria, Virginia el 21 de febrero de 1994

Charlottesville, Virginia el 22 de febrero de 1994

Género(s) Rock
Duración 26:37
Discográfica Bama Rags (1994-1997)
RCA (1997-)
Productor(es) John Alagía
Dave Matthews Band
Calificaciones profesionales
Cronología de The Dave Matthews Band

Remember Two Things

Recently (EP)

Under the Table and Dreaming

Recently es un EP lanzado en el año 1994 por la banda norteamericana Dave Matthews Band. El disco fue grabado en vivo el 21 de febrero de 1994 en The Birchmere, una sala de conciertos ubicada en Alexandria, Virginia, y en Trax, Charlottesville, Virginia, el 22 de febrero de 1994.

Este álbum contó además con una edición promocional que incluye una versión diferente de la canción que le da título al álbum.

Lista de canciones

Todas las canciones fueron escritas por David J. Matthews, excepto aquellas en las que está aclarado.

Original EP

  1. "Recently" (Edit 2) – 3:53
  2. "Dancing Nancies" – 5:54
  3. "Warehouse" – 5:10
  4. "All Along the Watchtower" (Bob Dylan) – 7:03
  5. "Halloween" – 6:30

La segunda y la tercera canción son versiones acústicas interpretadas por Dave Matthews y Tim Reynolds.

Promo EP

  1. "Recently" (Radio Edit) – 3:31
  2. "Ants Marching" (Radio Edit) – 4:36
  3. "Tripping Billies" (Remember Two Things Radio Edit) – 4:45
  4. "The Song That Jane Likes" (Radio Edit) – 3:23
Obtenido de "Recently (EP)"

Wikimedia foundation. 2010.

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Mira otros diccionarios:

  • Recently — can refer to the following:* Recently (album), by Joan Baez * Recently (EP), by Dave Matthews Band …   Wikipedia

  • Recently — Re cent*ly (r[=e] sent*l[y^]), adv. Newly; lately; freshly; not long since; as, advices recently received. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • recently — [adv] currently afresh, anew, freshly, in recent past, in recent times, just a while ago, just now, lately, latterly, new, newly, not long ago, of late, short while ago, the other day; concept 820 Ant. before, later …   New thesaurus

  • Recently (EP) — Infobox Album | Name = Recently Type = EP Artist = Dave Matthews Band Released = 1994 Recorded = The Birchmere in Alexandria, Virginia on February 21 1994 and Trax in Charlottesville, Virginia on February 22 1994 Genre = Rock Length = 26:37 Label …   Wikipedia

  • recently — [[t]ri͟ːs(ə)ntli[/t]] ♦♦ ADV GRADED: ADV with v, until ADV If you have done something recently or if something happened recently, it happened only a short time ago. The bank recently opened a branch in Germany... It is only fairly recently that… …   English dictionary

  • recently — re|cent|ly W1S1 [ˈri:səntli] adv not long ago ▪ He has recently been promoted to Assistant Manager. ▪ a recently published biography ▪ Jerry lived in Cairo until quite recently . ▪ More recently , he s appeared in a number of British films …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • Recently — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Recently (« récemment » en anglais) peut désigner : Recently, un album de Joan Baez ; Recently, un EP du Dave Matthews Band.… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • recently — re|cent|ly [ risəntli ] adverb *** at a time that was not long ago or that started not long ago: She only recently discovered the truth. He s been back to America fairly recently. Recently, though, she seems to have run out of energy …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • recently — / ri:sFntli/ adverb not long ago: I ve only recently started learning French. | Jerry lived in Cairo until quite recently. | a recently published biography …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • recently */*/*/ — UK [ˈriːs(ə)ntlɪ] / US [ˈrɪsəntlɪ] adverb at a time that was not long ago, or that started not long ago She only recently discovered the truth. He s been back to America fairly recently. Recently, though, she seems to have run out of energy …   English dictionary

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