


País Bandera de Francia Francia
• Región Mediodía-Pirineos
• Departamento Tarn
• Distrito distrito de Castres
• Cantón cantón de Dourgne
• Mancomunidad Communauté de communes du Pays de Dourgne
Ubicación 43°2551N 2°1006E / 43.4308333333, 2.1683333333343°2551N 2°1006E / 43.4308333333, 2.16833333333
• Altitud 659 msnm
(mín.: 566, máx.: 904)
Población 176 hab. (1999)
Código postal 81110
Alcalde Alain Couzinié
2001 - 2008
Código INSEE 81016
Ubicación de Arfons en Francia

Arfons es una población y comuna francesa, ubicada en la región de Mediodía-Pirineos, departamento de Tarn, en el distrito de Castres y cantón de Dourgne.


Datos de población
1962 1968 1975 1982 1990 1999
340 420 212 179 177 176
Para los censos de 1962 a 1999 la población legal corresponde a la población sin duplicidades, según define el INSEE.

Enlaces externos

Obtenido de "Arfons"

Wikimedia foundation. 2010.

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Mira otros diccionarios:

  • Arfons — is a commune of the Tarn department in southern also*Communes of the Tarn department …   Wikipedia

  • Arfons — 43° 25′ 51″ N 2° 10′ 06″ E / 43.4308, 2.1683 …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Arfons, Art — ▪ American race–car driver byname of  Arthur Eugene Arfons   born Feb. 3, 1926, Akron, Ohio, U.S. died Dec. 3, 2007, Akron  American automotive racer, three time holder of the world s land speed record for wheeled vehicles.       Arfons worked in …   Universalium

  • Arfons, Art(hur) Eugene — ▪ 2008       American automotive racer born Feb. 3, 1926, Akron, Ohio died Dec. 3, 2007, Akron was a three time holder of the world s land speed record for wheeled vehicles. While serving (1943–46) in the U.S. Navy, Arfons received training in… …   Universalium

  • Art Arfons — Arthur Eugene Art Arfons (February 3, 1926 ndash; December 3, 2007) was the world land speed record holder three times in 1964 ndash; 1965 with his Green Monster series of jet powered cars, after a series of Green Monster piston engine and jet… …   Wikipedia

  • Walt Arfons — (born 10 December1916) is the half brother of Art Arfons, his former partner in drag racing, and his competitor in jet powered land speed record racing. Along with Art, he was a pioneer in the use of aircraft jet engines for these types of… …   Wikipedia

  • Art Arfons — Arthur Eugene „Art“ Arfons (* 3. Februar 1926 in Akron, Ohio; † 3. Dezember 2007 ebenda) war ein US amerikanischer Dragster und Powerboat Rennfahrer, Tractorpuller sowie dreifacher Landgeschwindigkeitsrekordhalter. In den Jahren 1964 und 1965… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Green Monster (car) — The Green Monster was the name of several vehicles built by Art Arfons who was often described as a junk yard genius , and his half brother Walt Arfons. They were initially Dragsters, at first powered by junked automobile engines, then by war… …   Wikipedia

  • Wingfoot Express — The Wingfoot Express was Walt Arfons and Tom Green s J46 jet powered land speed record car, driven by Green to a record in 1965.At a trade fair in Gary, Indiana in 1962, Walt Arfons met Tom Green, chief engineer for a torque wrench manufacturer.… …   Wikipedia

  • Green Monster — Arthur Eugene „Art“ Arfons (* 3. Februar 1926 in Akron, Ohio; † 3. Dezember 2007 ebenda) war ein US amerikanischer Dragster und Powerboat Rennfahrer, Tractorpuller sowie dreifacher Landgeschwindigkeitsrekordhalter. In den Jahren 1964 und 1965… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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