Schlomo Winninger

Schlomo Winninger

Schlomo Winninger (1877, Gura Humorului, Bucovina-1968, Israel) biógrafo judío austríaco.

Antes de la Primera Guerra Mundial, vivía en Chernivtsi y se movió a Viena, donde empezó a escribir biografías de unas 18.000 personas judías famosas, por lo que se le considera el mejor biógrafo judío de todos los tiempos.


  • Lexicon der Judischen National Biographie
  • Gura Humora: Geschichte einer Kleinstadt in der Sudbukovina

Wikimedia foundation. 2010.

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Mira otros diccionarios:

  • Schlomo Winninger — (1877, Gura Humorului, Bukovina 1968, Israël) était un célèbre biographe juif autrichien. Avant la Première Guerre mondiale, il habitait à Chernivtsi et pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale il s en alla à Vienne, où il commença à écrire la… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Schlomo Winninger — Schlomo Winninger, born Salomon Wininger , ‎(1877, Gura Humora, Bukovina mdash;1968, in Israel) was an Austrian Jewish biographer.‎Before World War I, Winninger lived in Chernivtsi and moved to Vienna during the war years, ‎where he decided to… …   Wikipedia

  • Gura Humorului — Infobox Settlement subdivision type = Country subdivision name = ROU timezone=EET utc offset=+2 timezone DST=EEST utc offset DST=+3 map caption = Location of Gura Humorului |official name=Gura Humorului image shield= pushpin pushpin label… …   Wikipedia

  • List of Austrian Jews — Austria first became a center of Jewish learning during the 13th century. However, increasing anti semitism led to the expulsion of the Jews in 1669. Following formal readmission in 1848, a sizable Jewish community developed once again,… …   Wikipedia

  • Salomon Wininger — (* 13. Dezember 1877 in Gurahumora, Bukowina; † Dezember 1968 in Ramat Gan; auch Schlomo oder Solomon Winninger) war ein jüdischer Lexikograph, der mit seiner Großen Jüdischen National Biographie das bisher umfangreichste bio bibliographische… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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