

Skittles es una marca de caramelos masticables de fruta producida y comercializada por Mars, Incorporated. Estos son unos duros depósitos de azúcar que llevan la letra S, marcada sobre cada caramelo. El interior es principalmente azúcar y hidrogenados, aceite vegetal junto con jugo de frutas, ácido cítrico, aromas artificiales, idénticos a los reales y sabores artificiales, idénticos a los naturales.

Los Primeros Skittles se hicieron por primera vez en 1973 por un empresa Inglesa. En 1982, la producción de Skittles comenzó en los Estados Unidos. Los Primeros Skittles vendidos en la Unión Europea se realizan en los mercados de la República Checa. Posteriormente, comenzaron a ser fabricados en Victoria, Australia lugar desde el cual se distribuyen en los mercados de Australia y de Nueva Zelanda.


Variedades de Skittles

Un paquete de Original Fruit Skittles.

Hay de muchos gustos y una amplia variedad de sabores y colores. Algunas variedades son liberadas por un tiempo limitado, que se vende sólo en algunos mercados en todo el mundo o en el envase diferente.


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Wikimedia foundation. 2010.

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Mira otros diccionarios:

  • Skittles — est une marque de confiserie appartenant à Wrigley s filiale de Mars Incorporated. Sommaire 1 Description …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Skittles — i …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Skittles — may refer to: *Skittles (sport) is the sport from which bowling originated. *Tabletop Skittles is the Carrom version, which uses a spinning top to knock over pins. *Skittles (confectionery) are a small candy, made in several flavors. *Skittles… …   Wikipedia

  • skittles — [treated as sing.] Brit. informal chess that is not played seriously. → skittle skittles [treated as sing.] a game played with wooden pins, typically nine in number, set up at the end of an alley to be bowled down with a wooden ball or disc. →… …   English new terms dictionary

  • Skittles — Skit tles, n. pl. [Of Scand. origin. [root]159. See {Shoot}, v. t., and cf. {Shuttle}, {Skit}, v. t.] An English game resembling ninepins, but played by throwing wooden disks, instead of rolling balls, at the pins. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • skittles — game played with nine pins, 1630s, pl. of skittle, one of the pins used in the game, probably from a Scandinavian source (Cf. Norw. skyttel shuttle ) …   Etymology dictionary

  • Skittles — Упаковка оригинального фруктового Skittles Skittles (дословно с англ. вздоры) бренд жевательных конфет с фруктовым вкусом, выпускаемый компанией Mars. Каждая конфета имеет твёрдую сахарную глазурь с напечатанной на не …   Википедия

  • skittles — English ninepin bowling game played with a wooden disk or ball. The pins are set in a diamond formation; the player who knocks down all the pins in the fewest throws wins. Skittles has been played for centuries in public houses and clubs. * * * ▪ …   Universalium

  • skittles — noun a bowling game that is played by rolling a bowling ball down a bowling alley at a target of nine wooden pins • Syn: ↑ninepins • Hypernyms: ↑bowling * * * n ninepins, pins, tenpin bowling, tenpins, skittle pins, kettle pins * * * skittles UK… …   Useful english dictionary

  • skittles — noun a pub game in which a ball is rolled down a wooden alley in order to knock down as many of the nine skittles as possible See Also: skittle alley …   Wiktionary

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