
Sencillo de Metallica
del álbum 'ReLoad'
Formato CD
Grabación 1996 - 1997
Género(s) Heavy metal
Hard rock
Duración 5:13
Discográfica Elektra Records
Autor(es) James Hetfield
Lars Ulrich
Kirk Hammett
Productor(es) Bob Rock
Cronología de Metallica

«Better Than You


«Carpe Diem Baby

Slither es la sexta canción de ReLoad, el séptimo album de estudio de la banda de Heavy metal Metallica, lanzado en marzo de 1998. Esta canción, al igual que las demás del álbum, está orientada hacia el Hard rock y al Blues. Producido por Bob Rock, el álbum creó polémica dentro de los fans de la banda por el radical cambio no solo en su música sino también en su look [1].

El título de la canción ("reptar" en español), se basa en las posibles alucinaciones e intransigencias que sufre una persona por el efecto de las drogas y el alcohol. La letra de la canción no se aleja tanto de esta realidad, ya que muestra cierta clase de manía hacia objetos como serpientes y marionetas[1]


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Mira otros diccionarios:

  • Slither — may refer to: *Slithering, a form of terrestrial locomotion * Slither (2006 film), a 2006 film directed by James Gunn * Slither (song), a 2004 song by Velvet Revolver * Slither (album), a 2000 album by the hardcore band Earth Crisis * Slither… …   Wikipedia

  • slither — slither, sliver The words are often confused, especially in newspapers. Slither is a verb meaning ‘to slip or slide unsteadily’, whereas sliver is a noun meaning ‘a thin narrow piece cut off a larger piece’. The more usual error is to put slither …   Modern English usage

  • slither — [slith′ər] vi. [ME slitheren, var. of slideren < OE sliderian, freq. < base of slidan, to SLIDE] 1. to slip or slide on or as on a slope with a loose or broken surface 2. a) to move along by sliding or gliding, as a snake b) to walk with a… …   English World dictionary

  • slither — slith er (sl[i^][th] [ e]r), v. i. [Cf. G. schlittern, LG. schliddern. See {slide}.] To slide; to glide. [Prov. Eng.] [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • slither — (v.) O.E. slidrian to slide on a loose slope, a frequentative form of slidan to slide (see SLIDE (Cf. slide)). Meaning to walk in a sliding manner is attested from 1848. In reference to reptile motion, attested from 1839. Related: Slithered;… …   Etymology dictionary

  • slither — *slide, slip, glide, skid, glissade, coast, toboggan …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • slither — ► VERB 1) move smoothly over a surface with a twisting or oscillating motion. 2) slide or slip unsteadily on a loose or slippery surface. ► NOUN 1) a slithering movement. 2) a sliver. DERIVATIVES slithery adjective …   English terms dictionary

  • Slither — Filmdaten Deutscher Titel Slither – Voll auf den Schleim gegangen Originaltitel Slither …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • slither — UK [ˈslɪðə(r)] / US [ˈslɪðər] verb [intransitive] Word forms slither : present tense I/you/we/they slither he/she/it slithers present participle slithering past tense slithered past participle slithered 1) to slide over a surface slither… …   English dictionary

  • slither — verb ADVERB ▪ silently ▪ A snake was slithering silently along the floor. ▪ slowly ▪ away, off ▪ The snake slithered away …   Collocations dictionary

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