

Squeeze es una banda musical británica formada en Londres en 1974. Los 2 únicos componentes que permanecen desde el principio, y también compositores de la mayoría de canciones, son Chris Difford y Glenn Tilbrook. Se suele clasificar a la banda como new wave.

Además de Difford y Tilbrook, otros componentes que han ido pasando por la banda son : Jools Holland, Paul Gunn, Gilson Lavis, Harry Kakoulli, John Bentley, Paul Carrack, Don Snow, Keith Wilkinson, Chris Holland, Andy Metcalfe, Matt Irving, Steve Nieve, Bruce Hornsby, Carol Isaacs, Pete Thomas, Aimee Mann, Andy Newmark, Kevin Wilkinson, Hilaire Penda, Ashley Soan, Nick Harper, Jim Kimberley, Chris Braide. Entre los que han producido sus discos están John Cale y Elvis Costello.



Álbumes de estudio

  • U.K. Squeeze, Marzo 1978
  • Cool for Cats, Marzo 1979
  • Argybargy, Febrero 1980
  • East Side Story, Mayo 1981
  • Sweets from a Stranger, Mayo 1982
  • Cosi Fan Tutti Frutti, Agosto 1985
  • Babylon and On, Septiembre 1987
  • Frank, Septiembre 1989
  • Play, Agosto 1991
  • Some Fantastic Place, Septiembre 1993
  • Ridiculous, Noviembre 1995
  • Domino, Noviembre 1998


  • Packet of Three, July 1977, Noviembre 1979 (reedición)

Recopilaciones y directos

  • Singles - 45's and Under (recopilatorio), Noviembre 1982
  • Classics, Vol. 25 (recopilatorio), 1987
  • A Round and a Bout (en directo), Marzo 1990
  • Greatest Hits (recopilatorio), Abril 1992
  • Piccadilly Collection (recopilatorio), Agosto 1996
  • Excess Moderation (recopilatorio), Noviembre 1996
  • Six Of One... (caja), Octubre 1997
  • Master Series (recopilatorio), Noviembre 1998
  • Live at the Royal Albert Hall (en directo), 1999
  • Up The Junction (recopilatorio), Agosto 2000
  • Big Squeeze: The Very Best Of Squeeze (recopilatorio), Junio 2002
  • The Squeeze Story (recopilatorio), Junio 2006
  • Essential Squeeze (recopilatorio), Abril 2007


Año Título Posición en las listas Album
UK Singles Chart US Hot 100 US Mainstream Rock
1978 "Take Me, I'm Yours" #19 - - U.K. Squeeze
1978 "Bang Bang" #49 - - U.K. Squeeze
1978 "Goodbye Girl" #63 - - Cool for Cats
1979 "Cool for Cats" #2 - - Cool for Cats
1979 "Up the Junction" #2 - - Cool for Cats
1979 "Slap and Tickle" #24 - - Cool for Cats
1979 "Christmas Day" - - - -
1980 "Another Nail In My Heart" #17 - - Argybargy
1980 "If I Didn't Love You" - - - Argybargy
1980 "Pulling Mussels (From the Shell)" #44 - #97 Argybargy
1980 "Farfisa Beat" - - - Argybargy
1981 "Is That Love" #35 - - East Side Story
1981 "Tempted" #41 #49 #8 East Side Story
1981 "Labelled With Love" #4 - - East Side Story
1981 "Messed Around" - - - East Side Story
1982 "Black Coffee in Bed" #51 - - Sweets From a Stranger
1982 "When the Hangover Strikes" - - - Sweets From a Stranger
1982 "I've Returned" - - - Sweets From a Stranger
1982 "Annie Get Your Gun" #43 - - Annie Get Your Gun [Single]
1985 "Last Time Forever" #45 - - Cosi Fan Tutti Frutti
1985 "No Place Like Home" - - - Cosi Fan Tutti Frutti
1985 "Hits of the Year" - - - Cosi Fan Tutti Frutti
1985 "Heartbreaking World" - - - Cosi Fan Tutti Frutti
1985 "By Your Side" - - - Cosi Fan Tutti Frutti
1986 "King George Street" - - - Cosi Fan Tutti Frutti
1987 "Hourglass" #16 #15 - Babylon and On
1987 "Trust Me To Open My Mouth" #72 - - Babylon and On
1987 "The Waiting Game" - - - Babylon and On
1988 "853-5937" - #32 - Babylon and On
1988 "Footprints" - - - Babylon and On
1989 "If It's Love" - - #7 Frank
1990 "Love Circles" - - - Frank
1990 "Annie Get Your Gun (live)" - - - A Round & A Bout
1991 "Sunday Street" - - - Play
1991 "Satisfied" - - #3 Play
1991 "Crying In My Sleep" - - #14 Play
1993 "Third Rail" #39 - - Some Fantastic Place
1993 "Everything In The World" - - #9 Some Fantastic Place
1993 "Some Fantastic Place" #73 - - Some Fantastic Place
1993 "Loving You Tonight" - - - Some Fantastic Place
1994 "It's Over" - - - Some Fantastic Place
1995 "This Summer" #36 - - Ridiculous
1995 "Electric Trains" #44 - - Ridiculous
1996 "Heaven Knows" #27 - - Ridiculous
1996 "This Summer (remix)" #32 - - Ridiculous
1998 "Down in the Valley" - - - -

Enlaces externos

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Mira otros diccionarios:

  • squeeze — [skwēz] vt. squeezed, squeezing [intens. of ME queisen < OE cwysan, to squeeze, dash against, bruise, akin to Goth quistjan, to destroy < IE base * gweye , to overpower > Sans jināti, (he) conquers] 1. to press hard or closely; exert… …   English World dictionary

  • squeeze in — ˌsqueeze ˈin [transitive] [present tense I/you/we/they squeeze in he/she/it squeezes in present participle squeezing in past tense …   Useful english dictionary

  • squeeze — ► VERB 1) firmly press from opposite or all sides. 2) extract (liquid or a soft substance) from something by squeezing. 3) (squeeze in/into/through) manage to get into or through (a restricted space). 4) (squeeze in) manage to find time for. 5)… …   English terms dictionary

  • Squeeze — steht für: Squeeze (Band), eine englische New Wave Band Squeeze (Album), ein Album der Band The Velvet Underground die Linux Distribution Debian Squeeze, Codename der stabilen Version 6.0 von Debian Siehe auch: Squeeze out, das zwangsweise… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • squeeze — c.1600, probably an alteration of quease (c.1550), from O.E. cwysan to squeeze, of unknown origin, perhaps imitative (Cf. Ger. quetschen to squeeze ). Slang expression to put the squeeze on (someone or something) exert influence is from 1711.… …   Etymology dictionary

  • Squeeze — (skw[=e]z), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Squeezed} (skw[=e]zd); p. pr. & vb. n. {Squeezing}.] [OE. queisen, AS. cw[=e]san, cw[=y]san, cw[=i]san, of uncertain origin. The s was probably prefixed through the influence of squash, v.t.] 1. To press between… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Squeeze — Squeeze, v. i. To press; to urge one s way, or to pass, by pressing; to crowd; often with through, into, etc.; as, to squeeze hard to get through a crowd. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Squeeze — Squeeze, n. 1. The act of one who squeezes; compression between bodies; pressure. [1913 Webster] 2. A facsimile impression taken in some soft substance, as pulp, from an inscription on stone. [1913 Webster] 3. (Mining) The gradual closing of… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • squeeze — [n] pressure, crushing clasp, clutch, congestion, crowd, crunch, crush, embrace, force, handclasp, hold, hug, influence, jam, press, restraint, squash; concepts 219,674,687 Ant. opening squeeze [v1] exert pressure on sides, parts of something… …   New thesaurus

  • Squeeze — [ßkwi̱s; engl.Squeeze= Druck] s; : Zusammenpressen des Penis zwischen Eichel und Penisschaft zur Verhinderung des krankhaften vorzeitigen Samenergusses (↑Ejaculatio praecox) …   Das Wörterbuch medizinischer Fachausdrücke

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