

Un touchback es un término que pertenece al fútbol americano y fútbol canadiense. Ocurre cuando el portador del balón es forzado al suelo en su propia zona de anotación. También se puede realizar un touchback si el portador del balón se arrodilla en su propia zona de anotación, lo cual sirve para terminar la jugada y prevenir heridas potenciales. Un jugador de la defensa o de los "equipos especiales" que realiza un touchback permite que la ofensiva tome posesión del balón a 20 yardas de su propia zona de anotación.


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Mira otros diccionarios:

  • Touchback — Touch back (t[u^]ch b[a^]k ), n. (Football) The act of touching the football down by a player behind his own goal line when it received its last impulse from an opponent; distinguished from {safety} touchdown. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • touchback — ☆ touchback [tuch′bak΄ ] n. Football a play in which a player grounds the ball behind the player s own goal line when the ball was caused to pass the goal line by an opponent: distinguished from SAFETY (n. 4a) …   English World dictionary

  • Touchback — In American football, a touchback is a ruling which is made and signaled by the referee when the ball crosses into or through the end zone not in control of the team which put it into play. A touchback is not a play, but a result of events that… …   Wikipedia

  • Touchback — Un touchback est une action de football américain effectuée après un kickoff par le kick returner quand le ballon atterrit dans la zone de l en but de l équipe du receveur. Ce dernier peut alors mettre à genou pour effectuer un touchback et pour… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Touchback — Spielfeld im American Football Der Touchback ist ein Begriff aus dem American Football und aus dem Canadian Football. Als Touchback wird bezeichnet, wenn bei einem Kickoff oder einem Punt durch die Angriffsmannschaft der Ball in die Endzone… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • touchback — noun The result of a play (usually a kickoff or punt) in which the ball passes out the back of the end zone or a team otherwise gains possession of the ball in their own end zone. The ball sailed into the end zone for a touchback and the Eagles… …   Wiktionary

  • touchback — noun Date: circa 1890 a situation in football in which the ball is down behind the goal line after a kick or intercepted forward pass after which it is put in play by the team defending the goal on its own 20 yard line compare safety …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • touchback — /tuch bak /, n. Football. a play in which the ball is downed after having been kicked into the end zone by the opposing team or having been recovered or intercepted there, or in which it has been kicked beyond the end zone. Cf. safety (def. 6a).… …   Universalium

  • touchback — n. trapping of offensive team in its own goal area (Football) …   English contemporary dictionary

  • touchback — noun American Football a ball downed behind one s own goal …   English new terms dictionary

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