Colonia (México)

Colonia (México)
Para otros usos de este término, véase Colonia.

En general, una colonia es la denominación que se le da en México a un vecindario que no tiene autonomía jurisdiccional o representación. Usualmente las colonias reciben un código postal específico. A los desarrollos urbanos modernos como las comunidades en urbanización cerrada, llamadas barrios o vecindarios privados, se les denomina también colonias.


Diccionario de la lengua Española: Colonia

Wikimedia foundation. 2010.

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Mira otros diccionarios:

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  • Colonia Obrera — is an administrative neighborhood of the borough of Cuauhtémoc in the center of Mexico City. It was established in the late 19th and early 20th centuries and became home to many artisans and industrial workmen. Up to the early 1980s, a number of… …   Wikipedia

  • Colonia Ampliación Asturias — is a neighborhood in the Cuauhtémoc borough of Mexico City. It is located southeast of the historic center of Mexico City. It borders are marked by the following streets, to the north Eje Tres Sur or Avenida Calzada del Chabacano, Calzada de la… …   Wikipedia

  • Colonia Tránsito — is a colonia or neighborhood in the Cuauhtémoc borough of Mexico City, just south of the city’s historic center. It is a residential area although there has been recent redevelopment for more commercial uses. It contains two colonial era churches …   Wikipedia

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