

El junket es un postre lácteo hecho con leche endulzada y cuajo. Es una especie de pudin claro.



Para hacer junket, se caliente la leche (normalmente con azúcar y vainilla añadidas) a aproximadamente la temperatura corporal y se mezcla el cuajo disuelto en agua para provocar que la leche se corte. (Los cambios de temperatura inactivan la enzima del cuajo, provocando que el proceso falle.) El postre se enfría antes de servirlo, a menudo con nuez moscada espolvoreada encima.


En Inglaterra, el junket fue en época medieval una receta de los nobles hecha con nata, y no leche, y condimentada con agua de rosas y especias, además de azúcar. Empezó a perder favor durante la época Tudor, siendo reemplazado por el syllabub en los banquetes, y para el siglo XVIII se había convertido en una comida corriente vendida en las calles. Para mediados del siglo XX se comía poco salvo por niños convalecientes (gracias a su dulzor y ser fácilmente digerible) y en el suroeste de Inglaterra.


La etimología de la palabra es incierta. Está claramente relacionada con el normando jonquette (un tipo de crema hecha de leche hervida, yema de huevo, azúcar y caramelo). Sin embargo puede proceder del italiano giuncata o directamente del latín medieval juncata. El primer uso registrado (en este sentido) es en The boke of nurture, folowyng Englondis gise.[1]


  1. Russell, John (c. 1460). The boke of nurture, folowyng Englondis gise. 

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  • Junket — can refer to: *Junket (vacation), an excursion for the purpose of pleasure at public expense *Junket (dessert), a dessert made of flavoured, sweetened curds *Junket (company), a brand name of rennet tablets and dessert mixes *A movie junket,… …   Wikipedia

  • junket — jun‧ket [ˈdʒʌŋkt] noun [countable] informal a free trip that is paid for by a company or by the government: • These funds should not have been used to pay for junkets abroad. * * * junket UK US /ˈdʒʌŋkɪt/ noun [C] DISAPPROVING INFORMAL ► …   Financial and business terms

  • Junket — Jun ket, n. [Formerly also juncate, fr. It. giuncata cream cheese, made in a wicker or rush basket, fr. L. juncus a rush. See 2d {Junk}, and cf. {Juncate}.] [1913 Webster] 1. A cheese cake; a sweetmeat; any delicate food. [1913 Webster] How Faery …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Junket — Jun ket, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Junketed}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Junketing}.] To give entertainment to; to feast. [1913 Webster] The good woman took my lodgings over my head, and was in such a hurry to junket her neighbors. Walpole. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • junket — (n.) late 14c., basket in which fish are caught or carried, from M.L. iuncata rush basket, perhaps from L. iuncus rush. Shifted meaning by 1520s to feast, banquet, probably via notion of a picnic basket, which led to extended sense of pleasure… …   Etymology dictionary

  • junket — [juŋ′kit] n. [ME joncate < ML * juncata, a sweetmeat, cream cheese < L juncus, a rush (see JONQUIL): because orig. brought to market in rush baskets] 1. milk sweetened, flavored, and thickened into curd with rennet 2. a feast or picnic 3. a …   English World dictionary

  • Junket — Jun ket, v. i. To feast; to banquet; to make an entertainment; sometimes applied opprobriously to feasting by public officers at the public cost. [1913 Webster] Job s children junketed and feasted together often. South. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • junket — ► NOUN 1) a dish of sweetened curds of milk. 2) informal an extravagant trip or party. ► VERB (junketed, junketing) informal ▪ take part in an extravagant trip or party. ORIGIN originally denoting a cream cheese made in a rush basket: from Old… …   English terms dictionary

  • junket — n. pleasure trip 1) to go on a junket 2) a fact finding junket 3) a junket to (the legislators went on a junket to Hawaii) * * * [ dʒʌŋkɪt] [ pleasure trip ] to go on a junket a factfinding junket a junket to (the legislators went on a junket to… …   Combinatory dictionary

  • junket — I. noun Etymology: Middle English ioncate, ultimately from Vulgar Latin *juncata, from Latin juncus rush Date: 15th century 1. a dessert of sweetened flavored milk set with rennet 2. a. a festive social affair b. trip, journey: as (1) a trip made …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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