Wikiproyecto:Deportes olímpicos

Wikiproyecto:Deportes olímpicos

Este Wikiproyecto tiene como objetivo agrupar a wikipedistas interesados en expandir y mejorar los artículos relativos a los Juegos Olímpicos. Las sugerencias para este tipo de artículos, son sólo un punto de partida y, por lo tanto, nadie está obligado a seguirlas. Pero si no sabes por donde comenzar, estos consejos pueden ser útiles. Lo importante es escribir artículos.



WikiProyecto Deportes olímpicos


Este WikiProyecto pretende realizar una plantilla sobre los Juegos olímpicos. Que podrá generalizarse para su uso con cualquier otra competición que incluya varios deportes.


Esta es la lista de los Wikipedistas que colaboran con este Wikiproyecto. Si estás interesado en participar, puedes unirte editando esta página y firmando por orden alfabético poniendo cuatro tildes (~~~~); si quieres, con un comentario adicional. También puedes añadir esta plantilla en tu página de usuario:
{{Wikiproyecto:Deportes olímpicos/Userbox}}

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Plantilla:Anuncios Wikiproyecto Deportes olímpicos



Los índices deben seguir estos formatos:

Una página principal Juegos Olímpicos.
Aquí debería estar la historia en general sobre los juegos (o tal vez los juegos antiguos merezcan una página aparte), y también la explicación sobre la importancia actual de las Olimpiadas.
Una página Juegos Olímpicos de verano y otra Juegos Olímpicos de invierno.
These should give general information about the topic, and give a short history of them (the current Summer Olympic Games page is quite good), link to sports conducted there (past and present).
A page for each separate Games.
Use the convention "(Year) (Season) Olympics". This appears to be the most commonly used form in English language, even though the official naming is in the form of "Games of the I Olympiad" (Summer Games) and "V Winter Olympic Games" (Winter Games). One should make a redirect page for at least these official names, and perhaps also for other forms: "1948 Olympic Winter Games", "1948 Winter Olympic Games". See below for more details.

Páginas de Eventos

Las páginas para deportes olímpicos y otros eventos deportivos deberán seguie estos formatos:

Páginas para cada deporte en cada edición de los JJ.OO.
ex: Snowboard en los Juegos de invierno 2006
Subpáginas para eventos, si es necesario
ex: Snowboard en los Juegos de invierno 2006 - Hombres Halfpipe.
Página para cada deporte
ex: Snowboard en los Juegos Olímpicos de Invierno.

Páginas por países

Las páginas para los países participantes seguirán estos formatos:

Para cada país en cada edición de los JJ.OO.
ex: España en los Juegos de invierno 2006.
Para cada país
ex: Nueva Zelanda en los Juegos de invierno 2006.

Artículos olímpicos

The sections of the individual Olympics pages should look similar to this:

Breve introducción.
Por convención, esta deberá ser la primera frase:
Los Juegos Olímpicos de Invierno de 2006, denominados oficialmente XX Juegos Olímpicos de Invierno, se celebraron en 2006 en Turín, Italia.
Facts table template.
Next, a table with basic facts and information is added, using the template below. Some figures may differ for different sources, so quote them if this is the case. In case a specific entry is not applicable, fill in "not applicable", or leave blank.
The following section should give the highlights of these Olympics. In case the highlights are more than just a few paragraphs, divide it into subsections: Prologue, Day 1, Day 2, ..., Epilogue. Here, the prologue could deal with relevant information about the world situation at the time of the Games (this, a.o., is relevant for the boycotts 1976-1988), the process for choosing the host city, and other remarks (for example, Salt Lake City 2002 should have some story about the bribery scandal surrounding its election). Day 1 to Day X can contain the sportive and other highlights of that day. Epilogue can focus on events in the aftermath of the Games, doping cases, decisions made on basis of events during the Games. Perhaps some additional subsections are useful for events that may not be captured in a single day, such as the terrorist attack in 1972 (there's even a Wikipedia article for that), the Atlanta 1996 bombing, Nazism at the 1936 Olympics.
The next section should give a list of links to pages with the medal winners of each sport. The section should simply provide the links to "Y at the XXXX W/S Olympics", where Y is the sport.
Medal count.
The medal count section should give a top-ten table with the medals won by nation, sorted by gold, silver, bronze. This table should link to the full medal table. The template for the table is given below.

For an example, look at 2006 Winter Olympics.

Otras páginas

Un medallero de cada edición de los JJ.OO. En esta tabla se deberán mostrar los oros, platas y bronce4s xonseguidos por cada país participante. Una columna con la posición en el medallero y otra con el total de medallas deberá también aparecer.
ex: Medallero de los juegos de invierno 2006
Ceremonia de apertura
A page should be dedicated to the events that occur at the opening ceremonies of each games.
ex: 2006 Winter Olympics Opening Ceremony
Ceremonia de Clausura
A page should be dedicated to the events that occur at the closing ceremonies of each games.
ex: 2006 Winter Olympics Closing Ceremony
Olympic bids
A page should be dedicated to the Olympic bid process for the choosing of the host city.
ex: 2012 Summer Olympic bids
Other sub pages may also be used to denote a certain city's bid for that Olympics.
ex: New York City 2012 Olympic bid

Hierarchy Definition

Olympic Games will link to Sports page. See this example on dividing a topic into a hierarchy.

See 1896 Summer Olympics.

General Strategy and Discussion forum

  • /General
  • /Strategy
  • /Articles Summer
  • /Articles Winter
    • These last two pages include two tables - Events by Year and Country by Year - which can be used to keep track of which events and countries were involved with each game. They can be used to quickly check where Wikipedia is missing relevant Olympics articles (Summer and Winter).


Template facts table

Plantilla:Olympics infobox

Template Medal Table

(This is the new design and should be used on all medals tables)

1 Plantilla:FlagIOC 9 9 7 25

Template Bottom Links

  • See /Templates

Sport Pages

A page regarding a sport at an Olympics should look approximately like this.

  • In the introduction sentence(s), link to the full article on the Olympics and to the sport concerned.
  • Place a medal table for the sport as well as a medal summary.
  • Create a section for each of the events held.

For an example, look at Fencing at the 1896 Summer Olympics.

A medal summary should look something like this:

Event Oro Plata Bronce
Event name Plantilla:FlagIOCmedalist Flag, name
Flag, name

Project notices

  • {{OlympicsWikiProject}} - Please place this template into top of "Summer" and "Winter Olympic" article's talk, relevant template talk, category, and category talk pages so that people can find this WikiProject easily:
  • {{User WikiProject Olympics}} - Userbox
  • {{WikiProject Olympics announcements}} - The announcements.

Wikimedia foundation. 2010.

Игры ⚽ Поможем написать реферат

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