
Álbum de estudio de The Mamas & the Papas
Publicación Febrero de 1967
Grabación Otoño de 1966
Género(s) Rock
Duración 35:04
Discográfica Dunhill
Productor(es) Lou Adler
Calificaciones profesionales
Cronología de The Mamas & the Papas
The Mamas & the Papas
The Papas & the Mamas
Sencillos de Deliver
  1. "Dedicated to the One I Love
    Publicado el 1966
  2. "Look Through My Window"
    Publicado el 1966
  3. "Creeque Alley"
    Publicado el 1967

Deliver es un álbum grabado en 1966 y lanzado en 1967 por el grupo norteamericano The Mamas & the Papas. Esta fue su tercera publicación. Él álbum alcanzó el segundo puesto en el Billboard Pop en 1967. Tres de los sencillos estuvieron en el chart de "Pop Singles": "Dedicated to the One I Love" llego al puesto 2, "Creeque Alley" alcanzó 5, y "Look Through My Window" llego al 24.

El álbum fue lanzado por primera vez en CD en 1988 (bajo el catalogo MCAD-31044) y se incluyó en su totalidad en All the Leaves are Brown, un compilatorio retrospectivo con los primeros cuatro álbumes de la banda y varios sencillos.

Lista de canciones

Todas compuestas por John Phillips menos donde se indique lo contrario.

  1. "Dedicated to the One I Love" (Ralph Bass, Lowman Pauling) – 2:56
  2. "My Girl" (Smokey Robinson, Ronald White) – 3:35
  3. "Creeque Alley" (John Phillips, Michelle Phillips) – 3:45
  4. "Sing for Your Supper" (Lorenz Hart, Richard Rodgers) – 2:46
  5. "Twist and Shout" (Phil Medley, Bert Russell) – 2:54
  6. "Free Advice" (J. Phillips, M. Phillips) – 3:15
  7. "Look Through My Window" – 3:05
  8. "Boys & Girls Together" – 3:15
  9. "String Man" (J. Phillips, M. Phillips) – 2:59
  10. "Frustration" – 2:50
  11. "Did You Ever Want to Cry" – 2:53
  12. "John's Music Box" – 1:00


Wikimedia foundation. 2010.

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Mira otros diccionarios:

  • Deliver — De*liv er, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Delivered}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Delivering}.] [F. d[ e]livrer, LL. deliberare to liberate, give over, fr. L. de + liberare to set free. See {Liberate}.] 1. To set free from restraint; to set at liberty; to release; to …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • deliver — de·liv·er vt ered, er·ing: to transfer possession of (property) to another: put into the possession or exclusive control of another a deed must be deliver ed to be effective W. M. McGovern, Jr. et al. see also gift compare bail …   Law dictionary

  • deliver — [v1] transfer, carry bear, bring, cart, come across with*, convey, dish out*, distribute, drop, fork over*, gimme*, give, hand, hand carry, hand over, pass, put on, put out, remit, transport, truck; concepts 108,217 Ant. hold, keep, retain… …   New thesaurus

  • deliver — [di liv′ər] vt. [ME delivren < OFr délivrer < VL deliberare, to liberate < de , intens. + liberare, to LIBERATE] 1. to set free or save from evil, danger, or restraint; liberate [delivered from bondage] 2. to assist (a female) at the… …   English World dictionary

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  • Deliver Us — Single par In Flames extrait de l’album Sounds of A Playground Fading Sortie 9 mai 2011 (UE) Enregistrement 2011 Durée 3:34 Genre …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Deliver — De*liv er, a. [OF. delivre free, unfettered. See {Deliver}, v. t.] Free; nimble; sprightly; active. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] Wonderly deliver and great of strength. Chaucer. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Deliver Me — may refer to: Deliver Me (TV series), a reality television series on OWN: Oprah Winfrey Network Deliver Me (Sarah Brightman song), a 1996 song by The Beloved, covered by Sarah Brightman in 1999 a song by Def Leppard on their album Slang a song by …   Wikipedia

  • Deliver — Album par The Mamas the Papas Sortie février 1967 Durée 35:04 Genre folk rock pop psychédélique Producteur Lou Adler …   Wikipédia en Français

  • deliver — in addition to its established physical meanings to do with bringing and providing things, has developed a vogue intransitive use (without an object) equivalent to ‘provide what is agreed or expected’: • Mrs. Gandhi could not deliver on her… …   Modern English usage

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