Bank Heist

Bank Heist

Bank Heist

Bank Heist
Bonnie Parker BC10.jpg
Desarrolladora(s) 20th Century Fox
Distribuidora(s) 20th Century Fox
Diseñador(es) Bill Aspromonte
Fecha(s) de lanzamiento 1983
Género(s) Laberintos
Modos de juego Un jugador
Plataforma(s) Atari 2600
Formato(s) Cartucho

Bank Heist (Golpe al banco en inglés) es un videojuego publicado en 1983 por la empresa 20th Century Fox para la consola Atari 2600.

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Wikimedia foundation. 2010.

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Mira otros diccionarios:

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  • heist — 1. noun a) a robbery or burglary, especially from an institution such as a bank or museum The Bank Job is also the first proper Jason Statham movie since his days banging about in Guy Ritchies early heists. b) A heist film …   Wiktionary

  • heist — noun Heist is used before these nouns: ↑movie Heist is used after these nouns: ↑bank, ↑jewel, ↑jewellery …   Collocations dictionary

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