


Bandera de Bavly
Escudo de Bavly
Pamyatnik neftyannikam Bavly.jpeg
País Rusia
• Región económica Volga
• Distrito federal Volga
• Sujeto federal República de Tartaristán
• Raión Bavly
Ubicación 54°2400N 53°1500E / 54.4, 53.2554°2400N 53°1500E / 54.4, 53.25
• Altitud 210 msnm
Superficie 9 km²
Fundación 1755
Población 23.083 hab. (2008)
• Densidad 2.565 hab./km²
Código postal 423930, 423931
Preftelefónico (+7)85569
Alcalde Albert Jabibulin
Sitio web
Bavly en Rusia
Localización en el mapa de Rusia

Bavly o Bavli (ruso: Бавлы; tártaro: Bawlı) es una localidad tártara localizada cerca del río Bavly (afluente del río Ik), a 369 km de Kazán. Contaba con 22.939 habitantes en 2002, según el censo ruso. Fundada en 1755, consiguió el estatus de asentamiento urbano en 1950 y de ciudad en 1998.

54°2300N 53°1700E / 54.383333, 53.283333

Enlaces externos

Obtenido de "Bavl%C3%AD"

Wikimedia foundation. 2010.

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Mira otros diccionarios:

  • Bavli — For the Babylonian Talmud, see Talmud#Talmud Bavli (Babylonian Talmud). Bavli ( he. בבלי) is a neighborhood of Tel Aviv, Israel, named after the Babylonian Talmud, and located next to the Yarkon Park. It was founded in 1957 and developed rapidly… …   Wikipedia

  • BAVLI (Rashgolski), HILLEL — (1893–1961), Hebrew poet and educator. Bavli, who was born in Pilvishki, Lithuania, attended yeshivot in Kovno and Vilna. In 1912 he immigrated to the United States and studied at Canisius College and Columbia University. From 1918 he taught… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • BAVLI, MENAHEM BEN MOSES — (fl. 16th century), rabbi and kabbalist of the Safed school. There is little information about his descent. The title Bavli (Babylonian) probably stands for Roman, and it is possible that he came from Italy. In 1522 and in 1525 he signed himself… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • bavlı — is. 1) Ava alıştırılmış hayvan 2) Avcıların, köpeklerini ava alıştırmak için kullandıkları yapay kuş vb …   Çağatay Osmanlı Sözlük

  • Bavli, Hillel — (1863 1961)    American Hebrew poet and educator of Lithuanian origin. He settled in the US in 1912 and taught modern Hebrew literature at the Jewish Theological Seminary. He was one of the first Hebrew poets to deal with the American milieu. His …   Dictionary of Jewish Biography

  • ELEAZAR BEN JACOB HA-BAVLI — (c. 1195–1250), Hebrew poet of Baghdad. Eleazar seems to have been a sort of house poet for the well to do Jewish families of Iraq. He represents himself as a disciple of Moses ben Sheshet al Andalusi, who introduced him to the techniques of… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • SOLOMON BEN JUDAH HA-BAVLI — (mid tenth century), Hebrew poet. One of the first Hebrew hymnologists in Europe. He appears to have lived in northern Italy though his family was of Oriental origin. Little is known of him apart from some semilegendary allusions to him as an… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Menahem ben Moshe Bavli — Menahem ben Moshe Bavli, author of the book Ta amei Ha Misvot ( The Reasons For The Misvot ). He migrated from Baghdad to Hebron, and was one of a group of important Sephardic Jewish scholars living there in the 16th century. Persondata Name… …   Wikipedia

  • ABRAHAM HA-BAVLI — (apparently early 11th century), grammarian. Abraham ha Bavli is mentioned by Abraham Ibn Ezra and Jacob b. Meir (Rabbenu Tam). His Sefer ha Shorashim ( Book of Roots ), only part of which has been published (1863), deals with roots of one to… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • NATHAN BEN ISAAC HA-KOHEN HA-BAVLI — (i.e., the Babylonian; tenth century), chronicler who probably lived in baghdad . The fragments of his work that have been preserved appear to be part of his book on the Jews of Baghdad, Akhbār Baghdād. These fragments are an important source for …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

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