

Abandonada (tirulo original: Abandoned) es el capítulo N° 6 de la Segunda Temporada de Lost. Shannon ve a Walt por la isla en repetidas ocasiones y comienza a buscarlo. Con Sawyer cerca de la muerte, Ana Lucía y el grupo de la cola del avión llegan al campamento de los otros supervivientes. FLASHBACK de Shannon Rutherford.


Shannon y Sayid deciden pasar un tiempo juntos que es interrumpido cuando ella vuelve a contactar con Walt. Ambos novios discuten porque Sayid no cree a Shannon pero futuras evidencias hacen cambiar de opinión al iraquí, aunque quizá ya sea un poco tarde para eso.

El segundo grupo se embarca en un viaje liderado por Ana para llegar al campamento de los primeros perdidos y en el camino, Sawyer (muy malherido) Jin y Michael descubren que la vida en la isla puede ser aún más difícil y peligrosa de lo que hasta ahora creían. Al final de su viaje, el encuentro no es tan feliz como cabría esperar.

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  • Capítulo Anterior: ...Y Encontrados
  • Siguiente Capítulo: Los Otros 48 Días

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  • Abandoned — A*ban doned ([.a]*b[a^]n d[u^]nd), a. 1. Forsaken, deserted. Your abandoned streams. Thomson. [1913 Webster] 2. Self abandoned, or given up to vice; extremely wicked, or sinning without restraint; irreclaimably wicked; as, an abandoned villain.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • abandoned — I adjective castaway, castoff, derelict, deserted, discontinued, disregarded, disused, forsaken, ignored, neglected, obsolete, occupantless, out of use, slighted, tenantless, unattended to, uncared for, uninhabited, unoccupied, unpopulated,… …   Law dictionary

  • abandoned — abandoned, reprobate, profligate, dissolute fundamentally mean utterly depraved. Abandoned and reprobate were originally applied to sinners and to their acts. One who is abandoned by his complete surrender to a life of sin seems spiritually lost… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • abandoned — UK US /əˈbændənd/ adjective ► an abandoned place or vehicle is no longer being used or cared for because its owner does not want it any more: »The planned site for the development is an abandoned quarry …   Financial and business terms

  • abandoned — [adj1] left alone, deserted alone, cast aside, cast away, deserted, discarded, dissipated, dropped, dumped, eighty sixed*, eliminated, empty, forgotten, forsaken, given up, godforsaken*, jilted, left, left in the cold*, left in the lurch*,… …   New thesaurus

  • Abandoned — Allgemeine Informationen Genre(s) Thrash Metal Gründung 1999 Website http://www.gebolze.de …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • abandoned — (adj.) self devoted to some purpose (usually evil), late 14c., pp. adjective from ABANDON (Cf. abandon) (v.) …   Etymology dictionary

  • abandoned — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ unrestrained; uninhibited …   English terms dictionary

  • abandoned — [ə ban′dənd] adj. 1. given up; forsaken; deserted 2. shamefully wicked; immoral 3. unrestrained …   English World dictionary

  • Abandoned — Abandon A*ban don ([.a]*b[a^]n d[u^]n), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Abandoned} ( d[u^]nd); p. pr. & vb. n. {Abandoning}.] [OF. abandoner, F. abandonner; a (L. ad) + bandon permission, authority, LL. bandum, bannum, public proclamation, interdiction,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • abandoned — abandonedly, adv. /euh ban deuhnd/, adj. 1. forsaken or deserted: an abandoned building; an abandoned kitten. 2. unrestrained or uncontrolled; uninhibited: She danced with abandoned enthusiasm. 3. utterly lacking in moral restraints; shameless;… …   Universalium

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