

Un clamshell es un tipo de dispositivo (en sistemas electrónicos) que tiene dos o más secciones que se pliegan via una bisagra. Motorola tiene los derechos registrados del termino "flip phone".[1]

Este diseño es muy usado en el sector tecnológico, especialmente en sistema portátiles tal como teléfonos móviles, Computadoras portátiles, subnotebooks, Sistemas de juegos portátiles como el Game Boy Advance SP y la Nintendo DS. Cuando el dispositivo se abre, está preparado para su uso. La interfaz con el usuario está dentro del dispositivo, que al abrirse ofrece más superficie que cuando está cerrado. Los componentes de la interfaz, tal como teclado y pantalla, están protegidos cuando el dispositivo está cerrado, protegiéndolos del entorno y facilitando su transporte.



Este tipo de dispositivo, fue utilizado por primera vez en la fabricación de ordenadores portátiles, por el fabricante GRiD (quien tiene la patente actualmente) en el modelo Compass en 1982.[cita requerida]

Clamshell design of phones is generally agreed to have been inspired by the Star Trek original series communicator.[2] A key difference, however, is that the grid that opens on the TOS communicator is solely an antenna, according to The Star Trek Star Fleet Technical Manual, while the upper part of the clamshell phone contains much of the functionality of the phone itself (the antenna is either internal or extends from the top of the lower half of the phone).

The first Motorola model to support the clamshell design was the StarTAC,[3] created in 1996, although General Telephone & Electronics (GTE) held the trademark since the 1970s for its Flip Phone[4] (one of the first small hand-held electronic phones), until 1993.[5] The design has since been copied by other mobile phone manufacturers, most notably Samsung, and Motorola is still best known for its clamshell models such as the RAZR.

The clamshell design has also been used in the Nokia Communicator series, with the first model released in 1996. Early models were very expensive and Nokia did not adopt the traditional clamshell phone design until 2004[6]

Un tipo de teléfono que tenga la bisagra en el lateral, como el modelo LG Voyager (VX10000) es llamado "clamshell lateral ".


The form factor is most closely associated with the mobile phone market, although the design is also used on some landline phones, particularly cordless phones.[cita requerida]

Other appliances like pocket watches, sandwich toasters and the George Foreman Grill have long utilised a clamshell design; a very similar concept is used in racing and road legal cars, like the Ford GT40 and Ferrari Enzo, where the whole rear end can be lifted to access the engine compartment and suspension system.

It is also an informal name for General Motors full-size station wagons (manufactured 19711976), that featured a complex, two-piece "disappearing" tailgate, officially known as the "Glide Away" tailgate.[7]

Formas alternativas en teléfonos móviles

  • Bar, en forma de ladrillo o bloque
  • Slide, dos partes que se deslizan una sobre otra
  • Swivel, dos partes quese rotan una sobre otra

Véase también

  • Clamshell grab, Clamshell bucket equipping engineering vehicles
  • Blister packs for general consumer goods


Wikimedia foundation. 2010.

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Mira otros diccionarios:

  • Clamshell — may refer to: Bivalve shell, the shell of a clam Flip (form), a folding electronic device, also known as a clamshell Clamshell (container) Clamshell case, a type of box for storing paper items in archives (may also refer to either of the two uses …   Wikipedia

  • clamshell — n. 1. the shell of a clam. [WordNet 1.5] 2. a dredging bucket with hinges like the shell of a clam. Syn: grapple. [WordNet 1.5] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • clamshell — [klam′shel΄] n. 1. the shell of a clam ☆ 2. a dredging bucket, hinged like the shell of a clam adj. designating or of a manufactured product designed to open and close by a hinge along one edge …   English World dictionary

  • clamshell — noun Date: circa 1520 1. the shell of a clam 2. a. a bucket or grapple (as on a dredge) having two hinged jaws b. an excavating machine having a clamshell c. either of a pair of doors (as in an airplane tail) that open out and away from each… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • clamshell — /klam shel /, n. 1. the shell of a clam. 2. Mach. a. Also called clamshell bucket. a dredging bucket opening at the bottom, consisting of two similar pieces hinged together at the top. b. a machine equipped with such a bucket. 3. Print. a platen… …   Universalium

  • clamshell — 1. noun a) The shell of a clam. b) A dredging bucket with hinges like the shell of a clam. 2. adjective similar to the operation of a clams shell, having a hinge with two sides closing together Its a clamshell antenna …   Wiktionary

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  • clamshell phone — noun A mobile phone consisting of two working parts joined by a hinge so that it can be folded and unfolded • • • Main Entry: ↑clam …   Useful english dictionary

  • Clamshell Alliance — The Clamshell Alliance is an anti nuclear organization co founded by Paul Gunter, Howie Hawkins, Harvey Wasserman, Guy Chichester and other activists in 1976. The alliance s coalescence began in 1975 as New England activists and organizations… …   Wikipedia

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