


Título Driven
Ficha técnica
Dirección Renny Harlin
Guión Neal Tabashcnick
Sylvester Stallone
Música Era (proyecto musical)
Reparto Sylvester Stallone
Burt Reynolds
Estella Warren
Kip Pardue
Cristián de la Fuente
Til Schweiger
Datos y cifras
País(es) Estados Unidos
Año 2001
Duración 116 minutos
Distribución Warner Brothers
Ficha en IMDb

Driven es una película de 2001 dirigida por Renny Harlin y protagonizada por Sylvester Stallone quién además fue productor. Coprotagonizada por Burt Reynolds,Estella Warren, Kip Pardue y el chileno Cristián de la Fuente, trata sobre las carreras de la ChampCar (serial con un gran parecido a la Fórmula 1) y la dura vida de un piloto novato (Pardue) que debe lidiar con sus rivales, el jefe de equipo (Reynolds), contrata a un veterano retirado corredor, Joe Tanto (Stallone), para moralizar al chico. En la película se puede ver al colombiano Juan Pablo Montoya y al mexicano Adrián Fernandez.

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Wikimedia foundation. 2010.

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Mira otros diccionarios:

  • -driven — [drɪvn] suffix 1. COMMERCE if something is petrol driven, computer driven etc, it is operated or controlled by petrol, a computer etc: • Lower interest rates set off computer driven buy programs that sent stocks soaring late in the day. •… …   Financial and business terms

  • -driven — [driv′ən] combining form 1. powered by [steam driven] 2. controlled by [mouse driven, management driven] 3. motivated, impelled, or kept in force by …   Universalium

  • -driven — [driv′ən] combining form 1. powered by [steam driven] 2. controlled by [mouse driven, management driven] 3. motivated, impelled, or kept in force by [market driven, guilt driven] …   English World dictionary

  • driven — UK US /ˈdrɪvən/ adjective ► if someone is driven, all their effort is directed towards achieving a particular result: »He is a driven man capable of anything …   Financial and business terms

  • driven — [driv′ən] vt., vi. pp. of DRIVE adj. 1. moved along and piled up by the wind [driven snow] 2. having or caused to act or function by a sense of urgency or compulsion [a driven person] …   English World dictionary

  • Driven — Driv en, p. p. of {Drive}. Also adj. [1913 Webster] {Driven well}, a well made by driving a tube into the earth to an aqueous stratum; called also {drive well}. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • -driven — [ drıvn ] suffix used with some nouns to make adjectives meaning strongly influenced or caused by something: a market driven economy …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • driven — driven; un·driven; …   English syllables

  • -driven — UK [drɪv(ə)n] US suffix used with some nouns to make adjectives meaning strongly influenced or caused by something a market driven economy Thesaurus: suffixeshyponym …   Useful english dictionary

  • driven — (adj.) motivated, by 1972, pp. adjective from DRIVE (Cf. drive) (v.) …   Etymology dictionary

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