Margaret Burbidge

Margaret Burbidge

Margaret Burbidge, originalmente Eleanor Margaret Peachey (12 de agosto de 1919, Davenport - ) es una astrónoma inglesa.

Trabajó como directora interina (19501951) del observatorio de la Universidad de Londres. En 1955 su marido, Geoffrey Burbidge (n. 1925), se convirtió en investigador del Observatorio Monte Wilson y ella aceptó un puesto en Caltech.

Después se unió a la facultad de la San Diego, desempeñándose brevemente como directora del Real Observatorio de Greenwich (19721973). Conjuntamente con su esposo, hizo notables contribuciones a la teoría de los quásares y al entendimiento de como los elementos son formados en el interior de las estrellas mediante fusión nuclear (nucleosíntesis).

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  • Anexo:Astrónomos y astrofísicos notables

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Mira otros diccionarios:

  • Margaret Burbidge — (née Eleanor Margaret Peachey le 12 août 1919) est une astrophysicienne britannique, connue pour ses recherches inédites et pour avoir occupé plusieurs postes administratifs, dont celui de directrice de l observatoire royal de Greenwich. Durant… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Margaret Burbidge — (geb. Eleanor Margaret Peachey) (* 12. August 1919) ist eine britische Astrophysikerin, bekannt durch ihre Forschungsarbeiten wie ihre Verwaltungsposten, z. B. Direktorin der Royal Greenwich Observatory. Sie war mit dem Astrophysiker… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Margaret Burbidge — Eleanor Margaret Burbidge, née Peachey, FRS (born August 12, 1919 in Davenport) is a British born American astrophysicist, noted for original research and holding many administrative posts, including director of the Royal Greenwich Observatory.… …   Wikipedia

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  • Burbidge , Eleanor Margaret — (1922–) British astronomer Born Margaret Peachey in Davenport, Burbidge studied physics at the University of London. After graduation in 1948 she joined the University of London Observatory where she obtained her PhD and served as acting director …   Scientists

  • Burbidge, Margaret — ▪ British astronomer née  Eleanor Margaret Peachey  born August 12, 1919, Davenport, Cheshire, England       English born American astronomer and first woman to be appointed director of the Royal Greenwich Observatory. She made notable… …   Universalium

  • Burbidge , Geoffrey — (1925–) British astrophysicist Born at Chipping Norton, Burbidge graduated in 1946 from the University of Bristol and obtained his PhD in 1951 from the University of London. In the period 1950–58 he held junior university positions at London,… …   Scientists

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