Glenn D. Paige

Glenn D. Paige
Glenn Paige en su despacho universitario.

Glenn Durland Paige (28 de junio de 1929) es un politólogo de los Estados Unidos, Profesor Emérito de Ciencia Política en la Universidad de Hawaii y Presidente del Consejo de Gobierno del Centro para el No-matar Global (em inglês, "Center for Global Nonkilling"). Paige es conocido por haber desarrollado el concepto del no-matar,[1] sus estudios sobre el liderazgo político,[2] y el estudio de la política internacional desde la perspectiva de la toma de decisiones por medio de un estudio de la decisión del Presidente estado-unidense Harry S. Truman de involucrar a su país en la Guerra de Corea.[3]


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  1. Véase-se 비살생 정치학과 지구평화운동 (For Nonkilling Global Political Science. Glenn D. Paige and his Scholarship), 한배호...[등저] ; 안청시 , Seoul: , 2004; G.D. Paiges Nonkilling Thesis: A Vision of New Politics, Balwant (Bill) Bhaneja, 2005; De-escalating Media Language of Killing: An instructional module, Beverly Ann Deepe Keever, In Conflict and Communication Online, Vol. 6, No. 1 (2007), pp. 1-7; A Nonkilling, Nonviolent World for the 21st Century, Mairead Maguire, 9th World Summit of Nobel Peace Laureates, 2007; Nonkilling Global Political Science, Balwant Bhaneja, Peace Magazine, January-March (2005), pp. 27; A Nonkilling Paradigm for Political Problem Solving, Balwant Bhaneja, Asteriskos: Journal of International and Peace Studies, Vol. 1 (2006), pp. 273-277; Special Issue on Glenn Paige and Nonkilling Political Science, Journal of Peace and Gandhian Studies, Vol.5, No. 1, 2004 OCLC 37393517; Is a nonkilling society possible?, Paschal Eze, West Africa, Issue 4366 (March, 10-16, 2003), pp. 40-41 ISSN 0043-2962; A Nonkilling Paradigm for Political Scientists, Psychologists, and Others, Charles E. Collyer, Peace and Conflict (2003), pp. 371372, ISSN 10781919; Politics of non-violence, S. P. Udayakumar, Frontline (India), Vol. 19, Issue 24, (November 23-December 6, 2002).
  2. Especialmente con su ensayo The Scientific Study of Political Leadership (New York: The Free Press, 1977).[1]. Entre las recensiones relevantes, véase: Landmark among Decision-Making and Policy Analyses and Template for Integrating Alternative Frames of Reference: Glenn D. Paige, "The Korean Decision", James A. Robinson, Policy Sciences, Vol. 32, No. 3 (Sep., 1999), pp. 301-314. JSTOR 4532466; Political Leadership as a Causative Phenomenon: Some Recent Analyses, Chong-Do Hah and Frederick C. Bartol, World Politics, Vol. 36, No. 1 (Oct., 1983), pp. 100-120. JSTOR 2010177; The Scientific Study of Political Leadership by Glenn D. Paige, John C. Courtney, Canadian Journal of Political Science / Revue canadienne de science politique, Vol. 13, No. 2 (Jun., 1980), pp. 393-395. JSTOR 3229733; The Scientific Study of Political Leadership. by Glenn D. Paige, Francis E. Rourke, The Journal of Politics, Vol. 41, No. 1 (Feb., 1979), pp. 262-263. JSTOR 2129617; The Scientific Study of Political Leadership by Glenn D. Paige, James S. Bowman, The Academy of Management Review, Vol. 4, No. 2 (Apr., 1979), pp. 307-309. JSTOR 257793
  3. Véase The Korean Decision: June 24-30, 1950 (New York: The Free Press, 1968).[2]. Entre las recensiones relevantes, véase: The Korean Decision, June 24-30, 1950. by Glenn D. Paige, Ernest Gilman, Pacific Affairs, Vol. 41, No. 4 (Winter, 1968-1969), pp. 608-609. JSTOR 2754585 and The Korean Decision, June 24-30, 1950 by Glenn D. Paige, Betty Glad, The Journal of American History, Vol. 55, No. 3 (Dec., 1968), pp. 686-687. JSTOR 1891080. Ver también la crítica del propio autor publicada comoOn Values and Science: The Korean Decision Reconsidered[3] in the American Political Science Review (December 1977)

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