
Rango temporal: Jurásico Medio - Plioceno
Albanerpeton BW.jpg
Clasificación científica
Reino: Animalia
Filo: Chordata
Clase: Amphibia
Subclase: Lissamphibia
Orden: Allocaudata
Familia: Albanerpetontidae


Albanerpetontidae es un clado extinto de lisanfibios representado por los géneros Albanerpeton, Anoualerpeton y Celtedens, los cuales vivieron desde el Jurásico Medio hasta el Plioceno.[1] Los restos fósiles de esta familia han sido descubiertos en Europa, África y Norteamérica[2] [3] Las relaciones filogenéticas de Albanerpetontidae con respecto al resto de los lisanfibios es incierta. Mientras unos análisis cladísticos ubican a esta familia como un taxón hermano de Lissamphibia, otros la agrupan más cercana a los anuros y caudados.


  1. Venczel, M. & Gardner, J. D. (2004) The Geologically Youngest Alabnerpetontid Amphibian, from the Lower Pliocene of Hungary. Palaeontology 48(6):1273-1300.
  2. Gardner, J. D. et al. (2003) New albanerpetontid amphibians from the Early Cretaceous of Morocco and Middle Jurassic of England. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 48 (2): 301319.
  3. Delfino, M. & Sala, B. (2007) Late Pliocene Albanerpetontidae (Lissamphibia) from Italy. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 27(3):716719


  • Gardner, J. D. & Averiano, A. O. (1998) Albanerpetontid amphibians from Middle Asia. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 43:453467.
  • Gardner, J. D. (1999a) Redescription of the geologically youngest albanerpetontid (?Lissamphibia): Albanerpeton inexpectatum Estes and Hoffstetter, 1976, from the middle Miocene of France. Annales de Paléontologie 85:5784.
  • Gardner, J. D. (1999b) The amphibian Albanerpeton arthridion and the AptianAlbian biogeography of albanerpetontids. Palaeontology 42:529544.
  • Gardner, J. D. (1999c) New albanerpetontid amphibians from the Albian to Coniacian of Utah, USAbridging the gap. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 19:632638.
  • Gardner, J. D. (2000a) Revised taxonomy of albanerpetontid amphibians. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 45:5570.
  • Gardner, J. D. (2000b) Albanerpetontid amphibians from the Upper Cretaceous (Campanian and Maastrichtian) of North America. Geodiversitas 22:349388.
  • Gardner, J. D. (2000c) Comments on the anterior region of the skull in the Albanerpetontidae (Temnospondyli; Lissamphibia). Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, Monatshefte 114.
  • Gardner, J. D. (2001) Monophyly and affinities of albanerpetontid amphibians (Temnospondyli; Lissamphibia). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 131:309352.
  • Gardner, J. D. (2002) Monophyly and intra-generic relationships of Albanerpeton (Lissamphibia: Albanerpetontidae). Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology: Vol. 22, #1, pp. 12-22.
  • McGowan, G. & Evans, S. E. (1995) Albanerpetonid amphibians from the Cretaceous of Spain. Nature 373:143-145.
  • McGowan, G. J. (1996) Albanerpetontid amphibians from the Jurassic (Bathonian) of southern England; pp. 227234 in M. Morales (ed.), The Continental Jurassic. Bulletin of the Museum of Northern Arizona 60:1588. McGowan, G. J. 1998. Frontals as diagnostic indicators in fossil albanerpetontid amphibians. Bulletin of the National Science Museum, Series C (Geology and Paleontology) 24:185194.
  • McGowan, G. J. & Ensom, P. C. (1997) Albanerpetontid amphibians from the Lower Cretaceous of the Isle of Purbeck, Dorset. Proceedings of the Dorset Natural History and Archaeological Society 118:113117.
  • McGowan, G. J. (2002) Albanerpetontid amphibians from the Lower Cretaceous of Spain and Italy: a description and reconsideration of their systematics. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 135:132.
  • Peng, J. et al. (2001) Vertebrate microsite assemblages (exclusive of mammals) from the Foremost and Oldman Formations of the Judith River Group (Campanian) of southeastern Alberta: an illustrated guide. Provincial Museum of Alberta, Natural History Occasional Paper 25:1-546

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