HMAS Sydney

HMAS Sydney

Cinco buques de la Marina Real Australiana han empleado el nombre HMAS Sydney, en honor a la capital de Nueva Gales del Sur.

  • HMAS Sydney (1934) - Crucero ligero modificado de la clase Leander, botado en 1934. Originalmente bautizado HMS Phaeton, fue comprado por Australia antes de su comisión. Entró en combate con el crucero auxiliar alemán Kormoran en 1941, hundiéndose mutuamente.
  • clase Majestic botado en 1944 como HMS Terrible, comisionado en la Armada Australiana en 1948. Se empleó como transporte de tropas en la Guerra de Vietnam. Fue vendido a Taiwán en 1975 para desguace.
  • clase Adelaide, botada en 1980.
  • clase Hobart que entrará en servicio en 2017, basado en el diseño español F-100.

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Mira otros diccionarios:

  • HMAS Sydney — ist der Name folgender australischer Schiffe: HMAS Sydney (1912), Leichter Kreuzer der Chatham Klasse HMAS Sydney (D48), Leichter Kreuzer der Perth Klasse HMAS Sydney (R17), leichter Flugzeugträger der Majestic Klasse HMAS Sydney (FFG 03),… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • HMAS Sydney — Five ships of the Royal Australian Navy have been named HMAS Sydney after Sydney, the capital city of New South Wales.*HMAS Sydney (1912) Town class light cruiser launched in 1912. Engaged and sank the smaller German light cruiser SMS Emden at… …   Wikipedia

  • HMAS Sydney (1934) — HMAS Sydney Le Sydney en 1940 Histoire A servi dans Royal Australian Navy Commandé 1921 Qui …   Wikipédia en Français

  • HMAS Sydney (1934) — HMAS Sydney was a light cruiser of the Royal Australian Navy (RAN) between 1934 and 1941. Sydney had great success in the first years of World War II, but controversy and mystery surrounded the loss of the battle hardened ship and her crew in… …   Wikipedia

  • HMAS Sydney (R17) — HMAS Sydney (R17/A214) was a Majestic class light aircraft carrier operated by the Royal Australian Navy (RAN). She was built for the Royal Navy and launched as HMS Terrible (R93) in 1944, but was sold to Australia and renamed before… …   Wikipedia

  • HMAS Sydney (R17) — Geschichte Typ Flugzeugträger Namensgeber …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • HMAS Sydney (1912) — HMAS Sydney Crucero ligero HMAS Sydney (1912) Banderas …   Wikipedia Español

  • HMAS Sydney (1912) — HMAS Sydney was a Chatham class light cruiser of the Royal Australian Navy. Her crew made history in 1914, during World War I, when Sydney took part in the RAN s first ship against ship battle, the Battle of Cocos.History Sydney was laid down by… …   Wikipedia

  • HMAS Sydney (FFG 03) — is an Adelaide class guided missile frigate of the Royal Australian Navy.Construction Sydney was laid down at Todd Pacific Shipyards on 16 January 1980, launched on 26 September 1980 and commissioned on 29 January 1983. During construction, the… …   Wikipedia

  • HMAS Sydney (D48) — Dienstzeit …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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