HMS Hercules

HMS Hercules

Cinco buques de la Royal Navy británica, han recibido el nombre HMS Hercules, o HMS Hercule, en honor al héroe de la mitología romana Hércules. También se botó otro buque con ese nombre, pero no llegó a servir en la Royal Navy:

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  • HMS Hercules — Five ships of the Royal Navy have borne the name HMS Hercules , or HMS Hercule , after the Greek and Roman hero Hercules. Another was launched, but never served in the Navy:*HMS|Hercules|1759|6 was a 74 gun third rate launched in 1759 and sold in …   Wikipedia

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  • HMS Hercules (1868) — HMS Hercules was a central battery ironclad of the Royal Navy in the Victorian era, and was the first warship to mount a main armament of convert|10|in|mm|sing=on calibre guns.She was designed by Sir Edward Reed, and was in all significant… …   Wikipedia

  • HMS Hercules (1759) — HMS Hercules was a 74 gun third rate ship of the line of the Royal Navy, launched on 15 March 1759 at Deptford Dockyard.She was sold out of the service in 1784.NotesReferences *Lavery, Brian (2003) The Ship of the Line Volume 1: The development… …   Wikipedia

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