La Péruse

La Péruse
La Péruse
País Bandera de Francia Francia
• Región Poitou-Charentes
• Departamento Charente
• Distrito Distrito de Confolens
• Cantón Cantón de Chabanais
• Mancomunidad Communauté de communes de Haute-Charente
Ubicación 45°5242N 0°376E / 45.878333333, 0.61833333333Coordenadas: 45°5242N 0°376E / 45.878333333, 0.61833333333
• Altitud 254 msnm
(mín.: 158 m, máx.: 251 m)
Superficie 8,52 km²
Población 514 hab. (1999)
• Densidad 60,33 hab./km²
Código postal 16270
Alcalde Christian Faubert
Código INSEE 16259
Ubicación de La Péruse en Francia

La Péruse es una comuna y población de Francia, en la región de Poitou-Charentes, departamento de Charente, en el distrito de Confolens y cantón de Chabanais.

Su población en el censo de 1999 era de 514 habitantes.

Está integrada en la Communauté de communes de Haute Charente .


Datos de población
1962 1968 1975 1982 1990 1999
515 465 462 562 501 514
Para los censos de 1962 a 1999 la población legal corresponde a la población sin duplicidades, según define el INSEE.

Enlaces externos

Wikimedia foundation. 2010.

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Mira otros diccionarios:

  • Péruse — Caractéristiques Longueur 23,9 km Bassin  ? Bassin collecteur Charente …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Peruse — Pe*ruse , v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Perused}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Perusing}.] [Pref. per + use.] 1. To observe; to examine with care. [R.] [1913 Webster] Myself I then perused, and limb by limb Surveyed. Milton. [1913 Webster] 2. To read through; to read …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • peruse — I verb analyze, browse, check, con, conduct research on, consider, contemplate, delve into, devote oneself to, examine, explore, feel out, glance over, glean information, go over, inquire into, inspect, investigate, look over, observe, overlook,… …   Law dictionary

  • peruse carefully — index concentrate (pay attention) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • peruse — late 15c., use up, wear out, go through, from M.E. per completely + use (q.v.). Meaning read carefully is first recorded 1530s, but this may be a separate formation …   Etymology dictionary

  • peruse — is a formal word meaning ‘to read thoroughly’, and is often mistakenly used to mean ‘to read cursorily, to glance over’: • For me, it had all the wearisome unfunniness of back numbers of Punch perused in the dentist s waiting room Times Literary… …   Modern English usage

  • peruse — [v] check out; examine analyze, browse, glance over, inspect, look through, pore over, read, scan, scrutinize, skim, study; concepts 72,103 Ant. neglect, overlook …   New thesaurus

  • peruse — ► VERB formal ▪ read or examine thoroughly or carefully. DERIVATIVES perusal noun peruser noun. ORIGIN originally in the sense use up, wear out : perhaps from PER (Cf. ↑per ) + USE(Cf. ↑use) …   English terms dictionary

  • peruse — [pə ro͞oz′] vt. perused, perusing [LME perusen, to use up, prob. < L per , intens. + ME usen, to USE] 1. Obs. to examine in detail; scrutinize 2. to read carefully or thoroughly; study 3. to read in a casual or leisurely way peruser n …   English World dictionary

  • peruse — UK [pəˈruːz] / US [pəˈruz] verb [transitive] Word forms peruse : present tense I/you/we/they peruse he/she/it peruses present participle perusing past tense perused past participle perused formal to read something Derived word: perusal noun… …   English dictionary

  • peruse — /pəˈruz / (say puh roohz) verb (t) (perused, perusing) 1. to read through, as with thoroughness or care: to peruse a document. 2. to read in a leisurely fashion, with little attention to detail: to peruse the Sunday papers. 3. Obsolete to survey… …  

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