- Andrew Radford
Andrew Radford
Andrew Radford nació en un pueblo cerca a Guildford, en el sur de Londres. Estudió francés, italiano y rumano en la Universidad de Cambridge. Tiene un PhD en sintaxis inglesa. Trabajo en la Universidad de Essex y fue profesor investigador en lingüística en la Universidad de Cambridge de la trinidad. Por diez años fue profesor y jefe del departamento de lingüística de la Universidad de Bangor. Esta casado y es amante del fútbol.
- 2004 Minimalist Syntax: Exploring the structure of English, in press with Cambridge University Press (approx. 500 pages)
- 2004: English Syntax: An Introduction, in press with Cambridge University Press (approx. 300 pages)
- 1999: Linguistics: An Introduction, (Introducción a la lingüística) Cambridge University Press (with R M Atkinson, D Britain, H Clahsen, A J Spencer), pp. 438+xiv, ISBN 0-521-47854-5 (A Spanish translation has appeared)
- 1997: Syntactic Theory and the Structure of English, Cambridge University Press, pp.558+xii, ISBN 0-521-47707-7 (a Korean translation has also appeared)
- 1997: Syntax: A Minimalist Introduction, Cambridge University Press, pp. 278+ix, ISBN 0-521-58914-2; Japanese translation, Nyuumon minimarisuto toogoron, published in 2000 by Kenkyusha, Tokyo, ISBN 4-327-40122-6; a Korean translation has appeared
- 1990: Syntactic Theory and the Acquisition of English Syntax: the nature of early child grammars of English, Blackwell, Oxford (pp. 311+viii), ISBN 0-631-16358-1; reprinted 1993; 1994; Korean translation pending
- 1988: Transformational Grammar, Cambridge University Press (pp. 621+xv), ISBN 0-521-34750-5 (Malay translation Tatabahasa Transformasi, Karya Terjemahan Bahasa dan Pustaka, 1994; Portuguese translation pending]
- 1981: Transformational Syntax, Cambridge University Press (pp. 402+ix) ISBN 0-521-24274-6 Korean student edition published by United Publishing and Promotion Co. in 1984 [reprinted 1988]; Taiwanese edition published by Bookman Books, 1987; Italian translation La Sintassi Trasformazionale) published in 1983 by Il Mulino, Bologna; Japanese translation Henkei Toogoron published in 1984 by Kenkyusha, Tokyo (ISBN 4-327-40080-7); Korean translation Pyun Hyung Mundpup Yran published in 1985 by Munwha Sa, South Korea [reprinted 1986]; Spanish translation Introduccion a la Sintaxis Transformativa published by Teide, Barcelona in 1988
- 1977: Italian Syntax, Cambridge University Press (pp. 271+ix)
- 2004: Review of M-T Guasti Language Acquisition: The Growth of Grammar, to appear in Language
- 2004: 'A linguistic perspective on language acquisition', to appear in Contemporary Psychology.
- 2002: 'The Nature of the Grammatical Deficit in Specific Language Impairment: Evidence from an English Case Study', Proceedings of 4th Annual Conference of the Japanese Society for Language Sciences, Japan Women's University, pp.3-22
- 2001: 'Case, Agreement and EPP: Evidence from an English-speaking child with SLI', Essex Research Reports in Linguistics 36: 42-81
- 2001: 'Reply to Peters', Journal of Child Language 28: 272-274
- 2000: 'Children in search of perfection: Towards a minimalist model of language acquisition', Essex Research Reports in Linguistics 34: 57-74
- 2000: 'NP shells', Essex Research Reports in Linguistics, 33: 2-20
- 2000: 'T-contraction in a phase-based theory of grammar', Essex Research Reports in Linguistics, 33: 21-32
- 2000: 'On object displacement in English passives', Essex Research Reports in Linguistics, 33: 33-49
- 2000: 'The syntax of clauses', Essex Research Reports in Linguistics, 33: 50-72
- 1998: 'Genitive subjects in child English', Lingua 106: 113-131
- 1998: 'Children's possessive structures: a case study', Essex Research Reports in Linguistics 19: 37-45 (with J. Galasso)
- 1998: 'Case, agreement and underspecification in child English', Essex Research Reports in Linguistics 20: 68-80
- 1997: 'Verso un'analisi delle frasi esclamative in italiano' (= 'Towards an analysis of clausal exclamatives in Italian'), in Lorenzo Renzi & Michele Cortelazzo (eds) La Linguistica Italiana Fuori d'Italia, Bulzoni, Società Linguistica Italiana, Rome, pp. 93-123, ISBN 88-8319-106-4
- 1996: 'The Nature of Children's Initial Clauses', in M. Aldridge (ed) Child Language, Multilingual Matters, Philadelphia, pp. 112-148, ISBN 1-85359-316-8
- 1996: 'Towards a Structure-Building Model of Acquisition', in H. Clahsen (ed.) Generative Perspectives on Language Acquisition, Benjamins, Amsterdam, pp. 43-89, ISBN 90-272-2480-3
- 1995: 'Phrase Structure and Functional Categories', in P. Fletcher & B. McWhinney (eds) The Handbook of Child Language, Blackwell, Oxford, pp. 483-507, ISBN 0-631-18405-8
- 1995: 'Children: Architects or Brickies?', in D. MacLaughlin & S. McEwen (eds) Proceedings of the 19th Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development: vol 1, Cascadilla Press, Somerville Mass, pp.1-19, ISBN 1-57473-000-2 [text of keynote address]
- 1995: 'The morphosyntax of subjects and verbs in Child Spanish: a case study', Essex Research Reports in Linguistics 5: 23-67 (with I. Ploennig-Pacheco)
- 1994: 'Tense and Agreement Variability in Child Grammars of English', in B Lust, M Suñer & J Whitman (eds) Syntactic Theory and First Language Acquisition: Cross-Linguistic Perspectives, vol 1: Heads, Projections and Learnability, Laurence Erlbaum Associates, Hillsdale NJ, pp. 135-157, ISBN 0-8058-1351-9
- 1994: 'The Syntax of Questions in Child English', Journal of Child Language, 21: 211-236, ISSN 0305-009-21.1
- 1994: 'Clausal Projections in Early Child Grammars', Essex Research Reports in Linguistics 3: 32-72
- 1993: 'Head-hunting: on the trail of the nominal Janus', in G. Corbett et al. (eds) Heads in Grammatical Theory, Cambridge University Press, pp. 73-113 [ISBN 0-521-42070-9]
- 1992: 'The Acquisition of the Morphosyntax of Finite Verbs in English', in J.M. Meisel (ed.) The Acquisition of Verb Placement: Functional Categories and V2 Phenomena in Language Acquisition, Kluwer, Dordrecht, pp. 23-62 [ISBN 0-7923-1906-0]
- 1992: 'The Grammar of Missing Arguments in Early Child English', in R Tracy (ed) Who Climbs the Grammar Tree, Niemeyer, Tübingen, pp. 179-203
- 1992: 'Comments on Roeper and De Villiers', in J Weissenborn, H Goodluck and T Roeper (eds) Theoretical Issues in Language Acquisition, Erlbaum, Hillsdale NJ, pp. 237-248 [ISBN 0-8058-0380-7]
- 1992: 'Small Children's Small Minds', Essex Occasional Papers in Linguistics vol. 32, pp. 83-109
- 1992: 'Functional Projections of the Noun', Essex Occasional Papers in Linguistics vol. 32, pp. 1-25
- 1991: 'On the Syntax of Determiners in English', in Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Greek-English Contrastive Linguistics
- 1990: 'The Nature of Children's Initial Grammars of English', in I.M. Roca (ed.) Logical Issues in Language Acquisition, Foris, Dordrecht
- 1990: 'The syntax of nominal arguments in early child English', Language Acquisition vol. 1 no. 3, pp. 195-223
- 1989: 'The Status of Exclamative Particles in French', in DJ Arnold et al. (eds) Essays on Grammatical Theory and Universal Grammar, Oxford University Press, pp. 223-284
- 1988: 'Small Children's Small Clauses', Transactions of the Philological Society, 86: 1-46
- 1988: review of H. van Riemsdijk & E. Williams (1986) Introduction to the Theory of Grammar, Journal of Linguistics
- 1988: review of B. Jacobsen (1986) Modern Transformational Grammar, Journal of Linguistics
- 1987 'The Acquisition of the Inflection System' in W Lörscher & R Schulze (eds) Perspectives on Language in Performance, Gunter Narr Verlag, Tübingen [with M Aldridge]
- 1987: 'The Acquisition of the Complementiser System', Research Papers in Linguistics, 2: 55-76, University College of North Wales, Bangor
- 1986: 'Small Children's Small Clauses', Research Papers in Linguistics 1: 1-44, University College of North Wales, Bangor
- 1983: review of P.H. Matthews Syntax (CUP), Romance Philology
- 1982: 'The Syntax of Verbal Wh-exclamatives in Italian', in NB Vincent and MB Harris (eds) Studies in the Romance Verb, Croom Helm, London, pp. 185-2O4
- 1980: review of G. Lepschy Saggi di Linguistica Italiana, Modern Language Review
- 1980: 'La Teoria della Traccia, la Condizione del Soggetto Specificato e la salita dei Pronomi Clitici nelle Lingue Romanze', Rivista di Grammatica Generativa 2: 241-315
- 1979: 'Clitics under Causatives in Romance', Journal of Italian Linguistics 1: 137-181
- 1979: 'The functional basis of transformations', Transactions of the Philological Society, 1-42
- 1978: 'Agentive Causatives in Romance: accessibility versus passivisation', Journal of Linguistics
- 1978: 'On the syntax, semantics and pragmatics of the accusative and infinitive construction in Italian', Italian Linguistics 87-11O
- 1978: review of I. Robinson The New Grammarian's Funeral, Review of English Studies
- 1977: review of RS Kayne French Syntax, Journal of Linguistics 13: 118-28
- 1977: 'Counter-filtering rules', York Papers in Linguistics 7: 7-45
- 1976: 'On arguing against the VSO hypothesis', UEA Papers in Linguistics 2: 22-35
- 1976: 'On the nondiscrete nature of the Verb-Auxiliary distinction in English', Nottingham Linguistic Circular, 5: 8-19
- 1975: 'Pseudo-relatives and the unity of Subject Raising', Archivum Linguisticum 6: 32-64
- 1975: 'On the applicability of Raising', York Papers in Linguistics 5: 181-93 (with GK Pullum)
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