
Compilación de Jethro Tull
Publicación 22 de noviembre de 1993
Grabación 1972-1991
Género(s) Rock progresivo
Duración 120:39
Discográfica Chrysalis Records
Productor(es) Ian Anderson
Calificaciones profesionales
  • AMG 2.5/5 estrellas enlace
  • George Starostin 7/10 estrellas (puntuación general: 10/15) enlace
Cronología de Jethro Tull

The Best of Jethro Tull - The Anniversary Collection


Roots to Branches

Nightcap: The Unreleased Masters 1972-1991 es una compilación de Jethro Tull publicada como doble CD en 1993 con viejo material inédito.

El primer CD contiene material excedente de A Passion Play y, el segundo, material grabado entre 1974 y 1991.

Según algunos críticos, es un disco recomendable sólo para muy incondicionales del grupo, ya que es material descartado anteriormente o son primeras tomas de temas ya publicados. Para otros, sin embargo, el Disco Uno (My Round - Chateau D'Isaster Tapes) constituye una auténtica obra de arte y ofrece una visión mucho más completa de lo que debía haber sido originalmente A Passion Play, concebido inicialmente como álbum doble.


Lista de Temas

Disco Uno

My Round - Chateau D'Isaster Tapes

# Título Autor Tiempo Año de grabación
1. "First Post" (Ian Anderson) 1:54 1973
2. "Animelée" (Ian Anderson) 1:41 1973
3. "Tiger Toon" (Ian Anderson) 1:36 1973
4. "Look at the Animals" (Ian Anderson) 5:09 1973
5. "Law of the Bungle" (Ian Anderson) 2:32 1973
6. "Law of the Bungle Part II" (Ian Anderson) 5:26 1973
7. "Left Right" (Ian Anderson) 5:01 1973
8. "Solitaire" (Ian Anderson) 1:25 1973
9. "Critique Oblique" (Ian Anderson) 9:03 1973
10. "Post Last" (Ian Anderson) 5:35 1973
11. "Scenario" (Ian Anderson) 3:26 1973
12. "Audition" (Ian Anderson) 2:34 1973
13. "No Rehearsal" (Ian Anderson) 5:12 1973

Disco Dos

Your Round - Unreleased-Rare Tracks

# Título Autor Tiempo Año de grabación
1. "Paradise Steakhouse" (Ian Anderson) 4:01 1974
2. "Sealion II" (Ian Anderson) 3:21 1974
3. "Piece of Cake" (Ian Anderson) 3:40 1990
4. "Quartet" (Ian Anderson) 2:45 1974
5. "Silver River Turning" (Ian Anderson) 4:52 1990
6. "Crew Nights" (Ian Anderson) 4:33 1981
7. "The Curse" (Ian Anderson) 3:39 1981
8. "Rose on the Factory Floor" (Ian Anderson) 4:38 1990
9. "A Small Cigar" (Ian Anderson) 3:39 1975
10. "Man of Principle" (Ian Anderson) 3:57 1988
11. "Commons Brawl" (Ian Anderson) 3:24 1981
12. "No Step" (Ian Anderson) 3:38 1981
13. "Drive on the Young Side of Life" (Ian Anderson) 4:13 1981
14. "I Don't Want to Be Me" (Ian Anderson) 3:29 1990
15. "Broadford Bazaar" (Ian Anderson) 3:38 1978
16. "Lights Out" (Ian Anderson) 5:16 1981
17. "Truck Stop Runner" (Ian Anderson) 3:47 1991
18. "Hard Liner" (Ian Anderson) 3:47 1989

Enlaces externos

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Mira otros diccionarios:

  • Nightcap — may refer to: Nightcap (garment), soft cloth cap worn in bed Nightcap (beverage), alcoholic beverage consumed before going to bed Places Nightcap National Park, New South Wales, Australia Nightcap Range Important Bird Area, New South Wales,… …   Wikipedia

  • Nightcap — Nightcap: The Unreleased Masters 1973–1991 Сборник …   Википедия

  • Nightcap — Night cap , n. 1. A cap worn in bed to protect the head, or in undress. [1913 Webster] 2. An alcoholic beverage drunk at bedtime. [Cant] Wright. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • nightcap — (n.) also night cap, late 14c., covering for the head, worn in bed, from NIGHT (Cf. night) + CAP (Cf. cap) (n.). In the alcoholic sense, it is attested from 1818. American English sense of final event in a sporting contest (especially the second… …   Etymology dictionary

  • nightcap — ► NOUN 1) historical a cap worn in bed. 2) a hot or alcoholic drink taken at bedtime …   English terms dictionary

  • nightcap — [nīt′kap΄] n. 1. a cap worn to bed, esp. formerly, to protect the head from cold 2. Informal an alcoholic drink taken just before going to bed or at the end of an evening of partying, a night on the town, etc. ☆ 3. Baseball Informal the second… …   English World dictionary

  • nightcap — n. last drink of the night 1) to have a nightcap 2) (misc.) to invite smb. in for a nightcap; to join smb. in a nightcap * * * [ naɪtkæp] to join smb. in a nightcap ( last drink of the night ) to have a nightcap (misc.) to invite smb. in for a… …   Combinatory dictionary

  • nightcap — {n.} A good night drink; a drink taken just before bedtime. * /Let s have a nightcap and then go to sleep./ * /Would you like to come up to my place for a nightcap?/ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • nightcap — {n.} A good night drink; a drink taken just before bedtime. * /Let s have a nightcap and then go to sleep./ * /Would you like to come up to my place for a nightcap?/ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • nightcap — noun A good night drink; a drink taken just before bedtime. Let s have a nightcap and then go to sleep. Would you like to come up to my place for a nightcap? …   Словарь американских идиом

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