PRI es un acrónimo que puede referirse a:

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  • -pri — pri·on; …   English syllables

  • pri — pri; pri·a·can·thi·dae; pri·a·can·thus; pri·al; pri·ap·ic; pri·a·pism; pri·a·pi·um; pri·ap·u·la·cea; pri·ap·u·loi·dea; pri·a·pus; pri·a·pu·si·an; pri·er; pri·ma·cy; pri·mage; pri·mal; pri·ma·quine; pri·maried; pri·mar·i·ly; pri·mari·ness;… …   English syllables

  • pri|ap|ic — or pri|ap|ic «pry AP ihk, AY pihk», adjective. 1. of or having to do with Priapus and his worship. 2. = phallic. (Cf. ↑phallic) –Pri|ap´i|cal|ly, –pri|ap´i|cal|ly, adverb …   Useful english dictionary

  • Pri|ap|ic — or pri|ap|ic «pry AP ihk, AY pihk», adjective. 1. of or having to do with Priapus and his worship. 2. = phallic. (Cf. ↑phallic) –Pri|ap´i|cal|ly, –pri|ap´i|cal|ly, adverb …   Useful english dictionary

  • PRI — steht für: Partido Revolucionario Institucional (dt.: institutionelle Partei der Revolution ); eine langjährige Regierungspartei in Mexiko Partito Repubblicano Italiano; eine Partei in Italien Primary Rate Interface; siehe… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • PRI — may refer to:* IATA airport code for Praslin Island Airport, in the Seychelles * The ISO 3166 1 3 letter country code and an abbreviation for Puerto Rico * Institutional Revolutionary Party, or PRI in Spanish, a Mexican political party * Pacific… …   Wikipedia

  • prı̏je — prı̏je1 prij. (s G) izriče 1. {{001f}}da se što događa u vremenu ranije od onoga što znači riječ na koju se odnosi [∼ mraka] 2. {{001f}}da je tko po redu ispred drugoga [vi ste ∼ mene na redu] 3. {{001f}}da je od događaja o kojem se govori… …   Veliki rječnik hrvatskoga jezika

  • pri- — DEFINICIJA kao prvi dio složenice 1. uz glagol označava a. primicanje, približavanje, dodirivanje [primaknuti; pristati; prionuti] b. sastavljanje, spajanje, pričvršćivanje [pričvrstiti; pribosti; prikovati; prišiti; privezati] c. zbijanje,… …   Hrvatski jezični portal

  • pri´ma|fa´ci|e — pri|ma fa|ci|e «PRY muh FAY shee ee, FAY shee», at first view; before investigation. ╂[< Latin prīmā faciē, ablative of prīma faciēs first appearance. Compare etym. under prime1 (Cf. ↑prime), noun, face. (Cf. ↑face)] –pri´ma|fa´ci|e, adjective …   Useful english dictionary

  • pri|ma fa|ci|e — «PRY muh FAY shee ee, FAY shee», at first view; before investigation. ╂[< Latin prīmā faciē, ablative of prīma faciēs first appearance. Compare etym. under prime1 (Cf. ↑prime), noun, face. (Cf. ↑face)] –pri´ma|fa´ci|e, adjective …   Useful english dictionary

  • pri|mo — pri|mo1 «PREE moh», noun. Italian. the first or principal part in a musical duet or trio. pri|mo2 «PREE moh», adverb. Latin. first of all: »My eiderdown fascinates me, primo because we are having cold winter weather... (P. N. Furbank) …   Useful english dictionary

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