Peter Goldmark

Peter Goldmark

Peter Goldmark

Peter Carl Goldmark (Budapest, Hungría, Westchester Country, 2 de diciembre de 1906 - 7 de diciembre de 1977), fue un ingeniero húngaro, nacionalizado estadounidense en 1937 que en el tiempo en el que trabajó para la casa editora de sonido Columbia, desarrolló el disco de vinilo de microsurco a 33 1/3 RPM, el Long Play (LP) que ha marcado el sonido doméstico durante dos generaciones. Los LP de Goldmark fueron introducidos por Goddard Lieberson, que más adelante sería presidente de la Columbia Records.

Además de desarrollar la tecnología para el disco de 33 1/3 RPM, Goldmark se consideraba el desarrollador de la tecnología que hizo posible la televisión en color y el magnetoscopio mientras trabajaba en Columbia, aunque no recibió el apoyo necesario por parte de su empresa.

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Mira otros diccionarios:

  • Peter Goldmark — may refer to:*Peter Carl Goldmark, engineer and inventor *Peter J. Goldmark, rancher, geneticist and politician …   Wikipedia

  • Peter Goldmark — Peter Karl Goldmark (Budapest, 1906 Westchester Country, 1977), ingeniero estadounidense. Especializado en temas audiovisuales, incorporó perfeccionamientos a muy diversos sistemas y aparatos tales como los procedimientos de fotocomposición, los… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Peter Goldmark — noun United States inventor (born in Hungary) who made the first TV broadcast in 1940 and invented the long playing record in 1948 and pioneered videocassette recording (1906 1977) • Syn: ↑Goldmark, ↑Peter Carl Goldmark • Instance Hypernyms:… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Peter Goldmark Elihu — long playing records …   Inventors, Inventions

  • Peter J. Goldmark — is the owner of a convert|7000|acre|km2|sing=on farm which during the election was run by his son Jay. (Double J. Ranch, Inc.). He also is the founder and chief scientist of a biotechnology research laboratory, DJR Research, Inc., in Okanogan,… …   Wikipedia

  • Peter Carl Goldmark — Dans ce nom hongrois, le nom de famille, Goldmark, précède le prénom mais cet article utilise l ordre occidental où le prénom précède le nom.. Peter Carl Goldmark Naissance 2 décembre 1906 Budapest (   …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Goldmark — noun United States inventor (born in Hungary) who made the first TV broadcast in 1940 and invented the long playing record in 1948 and pioneered videocassette recording (1906 1977) • Syn: ↑Peter Goldmark, ↑Peter Carl Goldmark • Instance Hypernyms …   Useful english dictionary

  • Peter Carl Goldmark — noun United States inventor (born in Hungary) who made the first TV broadcast in 1940 and invented the long playing record in 1948 and pioneered videocassette recording (1906 1977) • Syn: ↑Goldmark, ↑Peter Goldmark • Instance Hypernyms: ↑inventor …   Useful english dictionary

  • peter — peter1 /pee teuhr/, v.i. peter out 1. to diminish gradually and stop; dwindle to nothing: The hot water always peters out in the middle of my shower. 2. to tire; exhaust (usually used as a past participle): I m petered out after that walk. [1805… …   Universalium

  • Peter — /pee teuhr/, n. 1. Also called Simon Peter. died A.D. 67?, one of the 12 apostles and the reputed author of two of the Epistles. 2. either of these two Epistles in the New Testament, I Peter or II Peter. 3. a word formerly used in communications… …   Universalium

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