


Canción de Jethro Tull
disco This Was
Publicación 25 de octubre de 1968 (Reino Unido) y
3 de febrero de 1969 (Estados Unidos)[1]
Grabación Del 13 de junio al 23 de agosto de 1968 en Sound Techniques Studio, Chelsea, Londres[1]
Género Rock, blues y jazz
Duración 0:49
Discográfica Chrysalis Records, Reprise Records, Island Records
Escritor(es) Ian Anderson, Mick Abrahams, Clive Bunker, Glen Cornick y Terry Ellis)
Productor(es) Terry Ellis y Jethro Tull
Lista de canciones de This Was
«A Song for Jeffrey»
«One for John Gee (bonus track)»

"Round" es la décima canción del primer álbum de los Jethro Tull, This Was.

Es un breve tema instrumental que cerraba el álbum en su versión original. En nuevas reediciones se incorporarían al mismo diversos bonus tracks.



Obtenido de "Round"

Wikimedia foundation. 2010.

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Mira otros diccionarios:

  • Round — Round, a. [OF. roond, roont, reond, F. rond, fr. L. rotundus, fr. rota wheel. See {Rotary}, and cf. {Rotund}, {roundel}, {Rundlet}.] 1. Having every portion of the surface or of the circumference equally distant from the center; spherical;… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • round — round1 [round] adj. [ME < OFr roont < L rotundus: see ROTUND] 1. shaped like a ball; spherical; globular 2. a) shaped like a circle, ring, or disk; circular b) shaped like a cylinder (in having a circular cross section); cylindrical 3 …   English World dictionary

  • Round — (round), n. 1. Anything round, as a circle, a globe, a ring. The golden round [the crown]. Shak. [1913 Webster] In labyrinth of many a round self rolled. Milton. [1913 Webster] 2. A series of changes or events ending where it began; a series of… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • round — ► ADJECTIVE 1) shaped like a circle or cylinder. 2) shaped like a sphere. 3) having a curved surface with no sharp projections. 4) (of a person s shoulders) bent forward. 5) (of a voice or musical tone) rich and mellow. 6) (of a number) expressed …   English terms dictionary

  • round — [ raund; rund ] n. m. • 1850; mot angl. « cercle, cycle, tour » ♦ Reprise (d un combat de boxe). Combat en dix rounds. « Au coup de gong annonçant le commencement du premier round » (Hémon). ♢ Fig. Épisode d une négociation difficile, d un combat …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Round — ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Dorothy Round (1908–1982), englische Tennisspielerin Henry Joseph Round (1881–1966), englischer Forscher; gilt als Erfinder der Leuchtdiode Siehe auch: Round Dance Round Effekt Round Hill Round Island… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Round — Round, adv. 1. On all sides; around. [1913 Webster] Round he throws his baleful eyes. Milton. [1913 Webster] 2. Circularly; in a circular form or manner; by revolving or reversing one s position; as, to turn one s head round; a wheel turns round …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Round — Round, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Rounded}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Rounding}.] 1. To make circular, spherical, or cylindrical; to give a round or convex figure to; as, to round a silver coin; to round the edges of anything. [1913 Webster] Worms with many… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • round — [adj1] ball shaped; semicircular area annular, arced, arched, arciform, bent, bowed, bulbous, circular, coiled, curled, curved, curvilinear, cylindrical, discoid, disk shaped, domical, egg shaped, elliptical, globose, globular, looped, orbed,… …   New thesaurus

  • Round — Round, prep. On every side of, so as to encompass or encircle; around; about; as, the people atood round him; to go round the city; to wind a cable round a windlass. [1913 Webster] The serpent Error twines round human hearts. Cowper. [1913… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Round — or rounds can mean:* The shape of a circle or sphere * Rounding (sediment), the smoothness of a sediment particle * Roundedness, the roundedness of the lips in the pronunciation of a phoneme * Rounding, the truncation of a number to reduce the… …   Wikipedia

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