


Álbum de Sepultura
Publicación 1991
Grabación 1991
Género(s) Thrash metal y death metal
Duración 52 min 20 s
Discográfica Roadrunner Records
Productor(es) Scott Burns
Cronología de Sepultura

Beneath the Remains


Chaos A.D.

Arise es el cuarto álbum de estudio de la banda brasileña de thrash y death metal Sepultura, que salió a la venta en el año 1991 en la discográfica Roadrunner Records. Este álbum está considerado como uno de los más importantes de la banda brasileña.


Lista de canciones

  1. "Arise" (música: Sepultura, letras: M. Cavalera) – 3:17
  2. "Dead Embryonic Cells" (música: Sepultura, letras: M. Cavalera) – 4:52
  3. "Desperate Cry" (música: Sepultura, letras: Kisser) – 6:40
  4. "Murder" (música: Sepultura, letras: M. Cavalera) – 3:26
  5. "Subtraction" (música: Sepultura, letras: Kisser) – 4:46
  6. "Altered State" (música: Sepultura, letras: Kisser) – 6:34
  7. "Under Siege (Regnum Irae)" (música: Sepultura, letras: M. Cavalera) – 4:53
  8. "Meaningless Movements" (música: Sepultura, letras: Kisser) – 4:40
  9. "Infected Voice" (música: Sepultura, letras: Kisser) – 3:18
  10. "Orgasmatron" – 4:43 (Cover de Motörhead)
  11. "Intro" (música: Sepultura) – 1:32
  12. "C.I.U. (Criminals in Uniform)" (música: Sepultura, letras: Katherine Ludwig Moses) – 4:17
  13. "Desperate Cry (Scott Burns mix)" (música: Sepultura, letras: Kisser) – 6:43

La canción 10 es un bonus track de la versión brasileña del álbum; las canciones 11, 12 y 13 sólo se encuentran en la edición remasterizada de 1997.


  • "Arise" - 1991
    1. "Arise"
    2. "Inner Self (Live)"
    3. "Troops of Doom (Live)".
  • "Dead Embryonic Cells" - 1991
    1. "Dead Embryonic Cells"
    2. "Orgasmatron" (Motörhead)
    3. "Troops of Doom".
  • "Under Siege (Regnum Irae)" - 1991
    1. "Under Siege (Regnum Irae)"
    2. "Orgasmatron" (Motörhead)
    3. "Troops of Doom".
  • "Third World Posse" - 1992
    1. "Dead Embryonic Cells"
    2. "Drug Me"
    3. "Inner Self (Live)"
    4. "Troops of Doom (Live)"
    5. "Orgasmatron (Live)" (Motörhead).


  • Scott Burns - Productor

Posiciones en rankings

Año Ranking Posición
1991 Top Heatseekers 1
1991 Billboard 200 119

Obtenido de "Arise"

Wikimedia foundation. 2010.

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Mira otros diccionarios:

  • Arise — Studioalbum von Sepultura Label Roadrunner Records Format CD …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Arise — Студийный альбом …   Википедия

  • Arise — * Arise (album), an album relesed in 1991 by Brazilian heavy metal band Sepultura * Arise (Planetshakers album), an album by Planetshakers *Arise (band), a Swedish metal band *Arise (horse), American Thoroughbred racehorse * Arise! , an album by… …   Wikipedia

  • Arise — A*rise ([.a]*r[imac]z ), v. i. [imp. {Arose} ( r[=o]z ); p. pr. & vb. n. {Arising}; p. p. {Arisen} ( r[i^]z n).]. [AS. [=a]r[=i]san; [=a] (equiv. to Goth. us , ur , G. er , orig. meaning out) + r[=i]san to rise; cf. Goth. urreisan to arise. See… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • ARISE — is an acronym which may refer to: *The University of Ottawa robotics group ARISE*Advanced Radio Interferometry between Space and Earth *American Renaissance In Science Education ee also*Arise …   Wikipedia

  • arise — I (appear) verb become manifest, become noticeable, become visible, come forth, come in sight, come in view, come to light, come to notice, emerge, make an appearance, manifest itself, present itself, reveal itself, show itself associated… …   Law dictionary

  • arise — Note that arise and rise are intransitive verbs (i.e. they cannot take an object and cannot be used in the passive), whereas arouse and rouse are generally transitive and require a grammatical object. The meaning of arise ‘to get out of bed’ has… …   Modern English usage

  • arise — [v1] come into being; proceed appear, begin, come to light, commence, crop up, derive, emanate, emerge, ensue, flow, follow, happen, head, issue, occur, originate, result, rise, set in, spring, start, stem; concept 105 arise [v2] get, stand, or… …   New thesaurus

  • arise — ► VERB (past arose; past part. arisen) 1) originate or become apparent. 2) (arise from/out of) occur as a result of. 3) formal or literary get or stand up. ORIGIN Old English, related to RISE(Cf. ↑ …   English terms dictionary

  • Arise — A*rise , n. Rising. [Obs.] Drayton. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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