
sencillo de Garbage
del álbum Garbage
Lado B "Subhuman"
"#1 Crush"
"Vow (Torn Apart)" (UK & US)
Publicación 20 de Marzo, 1995 (RU)
20 de Junio, 1995 (Mundial)
Formato 7", Maxi sencillo, Cassette
Grabación Marzo - Noviembre de 1994
Smart Studios, Madison, Wisconsin
Género(s) Rock alternativo
Duración 4:30
Discográfica A&E Records (RU)
Almo Sounds (Norteamérica)
Mushroom Records (Mundial)
Autor(es) Garbage
Productor(es) Garbage
Cronología de Garbage

"Vow" es el sencillo debut de la banda estadounidense de rock alternativo Garbage, que fue lanzado en 1995, de su álbum debut homónimo.

En 2007, el sencillo fue remasterizado para ser incluido en la primera compilación de la banda, Absolute Garbage, que fue lanzado ese mismo año.

Lista de Canciones

  • UK 7" vinyl Discordant CORD001
  • US CD-maxi Almo Sounds AMSDS-88000
  • US cassette Almo Sounds AMSCS-89000
  1. "Vow" - 4:30
  2. "Vow (Torn Apart)" - 5:09
  • European CDS Mushroom/BMG 74321 29596 2
  • South African CDS Mushroom/BMG CDBMGS(WS)901
  • Australian CDS White D1138
  • Australian cassette White C1138
  1. "Vow" - 4:30
  2. "Subhuman" - 4:36
  3. "#1 Crush" - 4:52

Sobre la canción

Vow es oscura y vengativa, líricamente hablando. Tiene guitarras distorsionadas y comienza con la frase I can't use what I can't abuse (no puedo usar lo que no puedo abusar). Se dijo que la canción hablaba de Lorena Bobbitt (una mujer que amputó el pene a su marido al enterarse de su infidelidad), pero en realidad según Butch Vig la canción surge de una noticia de un periódico que hablaba de una mujer que iba a vengarse de su marido que la había maltratado. Butch dice que pensaron que estaría bien hacer la canción en honor a dicha mujer.


Chart (1995) Posición
U.S. Billboard Hot 100 97
U.S. Billboard Hot Modern Rock Tracks 26
UK Singles Chart 138
Australian ARIA Singles Chart 37
New Zealand RIANZ Singles Chart 41

Wikimedia foundation. 2010.

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Mira otros diccionarios:

  • Vow — Vow, n. [OE. vou, OF. vou, veu, vo, vu, F. v?u, from L. votum, from vovere, to vow. Cf. {Avow}, {Devout}, {Vote}.] [1913 Webster] 1. A solemn promise made to God, or to some deity; an act by which one consecrates or devotes himself, absolutely or …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • vow — 1 n: a solemn promise or statement; esp: one by which a person is bound to an act, service, or condition marriage vow s vow 2 vt 1: to promise solemnly 2: to bind or commit by a vow vi: to make a vow …   Law dictionary

  • Vow — Vow, v. i. To make a vow, or solemn promise. [1913 Webster] Better is it that thou shouldest not vow, than that thou shouldest vow and not pay. Eccl. v. 5. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Vow — Vow, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Vowed}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Vowing}.] [OE. vouen, OF. vouer, voer, F. vouer, LL. votare. See {Vow}, n.] [1913 Webster] 1. To give, consecrate, or dedicate to God, or to some deity, by a solemn promise; to devote; to promise …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • VOW — may mean:*Vow *Vow (Garbage song) *Village on Wheels. Exclusive tourist trains in India.(esp.to cater to the budget tourists, and hence the name) *Virtual Office Website …   Wikipedia

  • vow|el — «VOW uhl», noun, adjective, verb, eled, el|ing or (especially British) elled, el|ling. –n. 1. any speech sound produced by not blocking the breath with the lips, teeth, or tongue, with the vocal cords generally but not necessarily vibrating. A… …   Useful english dictionary

  • vow — [n] promise affiance, assertion, asseveration, oath, pledge, profession, troth, word of honor; concepts 278,689 Ant. breach, break vow [v] make a solemn promise affirm, assure, consecrate, covenant, cross one’s heart*, declare, dedicate, devote,… …   New thesaurus

  • vow — ► NOUN ▪ a solemn promise. ► VERB ▪ solemnly promise to do something. ORIGIN Old French vou, from Latin votum a wish, vow …   English terms dictionary

  • vow — [vou] n. [ME vou < OFr < L votum: see VOTE] 1. a solemn promise or pledge, esp. one made to God or a god, dedicating oneself to an act, service, or way of life 2. a solemn promise of love and fidelity [marriage vows] 3. a solemn affirmation …   English World dictionary

  • Vow — A vow (Lat. votum , vow, promise; see vote) is a promise or oath. Wedding vowsVow with Godwithin the world of monks and nuns, a vow is a transaction between a person and his/her deity whereby the former undertakes in the future to render some… …   Wikipedia

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