Grupo de alta movilidad 20B
Protein HMG20B PDB 2crj.png
Estructura tridimensional de la proteína HMG20B.
HUGO 5002
Símbolo HMG20B
Símbolos alt. BRAF25; BRAF35; FLJ26127; HMGX2; PP7706; SMARCE1r; SOXL; pp8857
Datos genéticos
Locus Cr. 19 p13.3
Bases de datos
Entrez 10362
OMIM 605535
PDB 2crj
RefSeq NP_006330
UniProt Q9P0W2

El grupo de alta movilidad 20B (HMG20B) es una proteína codificada en humanos por el gen HMG20B.[1] [2]

La proteína HMG20B pertenece a la subfamilia E de reguladores de la cromatina dependientes de actina asociados a la matriz y relacionados con el complejo SWI/SNF.


La proteína HMG20B ha demostrado ser capaz de interaccionar con:


  1. Sumoy L, Carim L, Escarceller M, Nadal M, Gratacos M, Pujana MA, Estivill X, Peral B (Jun 2000). «HMG20A and HMG20B map to human chromosomes 15q24 and 19p13.3 and constitute a distinct class of HMG-box genes with ubiquitous expression». Cytogenet Cell Genet 88 (1-2):  pp627. PMID 10773667. 
  2. «Entrez Gene: HMG20B high-mobility group 20B».
  3. Lee, Young Mi; Kim Wankee (Sep. 2003). «Association of human kinesin superfamily protein member 4 with BRCA2-associated factor 35». Biochem. J. (England) 374 (Pt 2):  pp497503. doi:10.1042/BJ20030452. PMID 12809554. 
  4. a b c d e Hakimi, Mohamed-Ali; Bochar Daniel A, Chenoweth Josh, Lane William S, Mandel Gail, Shiekhattar Ramin (May. 2002). «A core-BRAF35 complex containing histone deacetylase mediates repression of neuronal-specific genes». Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (United States) 99 (11):  pp74205. doi:10.1073/pnas.112008599. ISSN 0027-8424. PMID 12032298. 
  5. Hakimi, Mohamed-Ali; Dong Yuanshu, Lane William S, Speicher David W, Shiekhattar Ramin (Feb. 2003). «A candidate X-linked mental retardation gene is a component of a new family of histone deacetylase-containing complexes». J. Biol. Chem. (United States) 278 (9):  pp72349. doi:10.1074/jbc.M208992200. ISSN 0021-9258. PMID 12493763. 
  6. Iwase, Shigeki; Januma Aya, Miyamoto Kiyoko, Shono Naomi, Honda Arata, Yanagisawa Junn, Baba Tadashi (Sep. 2004). «Characterization of BHC80 in BRAF-HDAC complex, involved in neuron-specific gene repression». Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. (United States) 322 (2):  pp6018. doi:10.1016/j.bbrc.2004.07.163. ISSN 0006-291X. PMID 15325272. 
  7. Marmorstein, L Y; Kinev A V, Chan G K, Bochar D A, Beniya H, Epstein J A, Yen T J, Shiekhattar R (Jan. 2001). «A human BRCA2 complex containing a structural DNA binding component influences cell cycle progression». Cell (United States) 104 (2):  pp24757. ISSN 0092-8674. PMID 11207365. 

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