Proteína centromérica R
HUGO 6157
Símbolo ITGB3BP
Símbolos alt. CENP-R, CENPR, HSU37139, NRIF3, TAP20
Datos genéticos
Locus Cr. 1 p31.3
Bases de datos
Entrez 23421
OMIM 605494
RefSeq NP_055103
UniProt Q13352

La proteína centromérica R (ITGB3BP) es una proteína que es codificada, en humanos, por el gen itgb3BP.[1] [2] [3]


La proteína centromérica R ha demostrado ser capaz de interaccionar con:


  1. a b Shattil SJ, O'Toole T, Eigenthaler M, Thon V, Williams M, Babior BM, Ginsberg MH (Dec 1995). «Beta 3-endonexin, a novel polypeptide that interacts specifically with the cytoplasmic tail of the integrin beta 3 subunit». J Cell Biol 131 (3):  pp80716. PMID 7593198. 
  2. a b c Li D, Desai-Yajnik V, Lo E, Schapira M, Abagyan R, Samuels HH (Feb 2000). «NRIF3 is a novel coactivator mediating functional specificity of nuclear hormone receptors». Mol Cell Biol 19 (10):  pp7191202. PMID 10490654. 
  3. «Entrez Gene: ITGB3BP integrin beta 3 binding protein (beta3-endonexin)».
  4. a b Li, D; Wang F, Samuels H H (Dec. 2001). «Domain structure of the NRIF3 family of coregulators suggests potential dual roles in transcriptional regulation». Mol. Cell. Biol. (United States) 21 (24):  pp837184. doi:10.1128/MCB.21.24.8371-8384.2001. ISSN 0270-7306. PMID 11713274. 
  5. Ohtoshi, A; Maeda T, Higashi H, Ashizawa S, Yamada M, Hatakeyama M (Jan. 2000). «beta3-endonexin as a novel inhibitor of cyclin A-associated kinase». Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. (UNITED STATES) 267 (3):  pp94752. doi:10.1006/bbrc.1999.2007. ISSN 0006-291X. PMID 10673397. 
  6. Besta, Felicitas; Massberg Steffen, Brand Korbinian, Müller Elke, Page Sharon, Grüner Sabine, Lorenz Michael, Sadoul Karin, Kolanus Waldemar, Lengyel Ernst, Gawaz Meinrad (Oct. 2002). «Role of beta(3)-endonexin in the regulation of NF-kappaB-dependent expression of urokinase-type plasminogen activator receptor». J. Cell. Sci. (England) 115 (Pt 20):  pp387988. ISSN 0021-9533. PMID 12244126. 
  7. Fujimoto, Tetsuro-Takahiro; Katsutani Shinya, Shimomura Takeshi, Fujimura Kingo (Jan. 2002). «Novel alternatively spliced form of beta(3)-endonexin». Thromb. Res. (United States) 105 (1):  pp6370. ISSN 0049-3848. PMID 11864709. 

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