Bell Huey

Bell Huey

Anexo:Bell Huey

Archivo:Huey1 NZ.JPG
New Zealand Christchurch UH-1H Iroquois helicopter No. 3 Squadron RNZAF, June 2004

La familia Bell Huey incluye una amplia gama de helicópteros civiles y militares producidos desde 1956 y que en 2009 aún continúa fabricándose.

La familia H-1 incluye las series del helicóptero utilitario UH-1 Iroquois y la del helicóptero de ataque AH-1 Cobra derivado del anterior y abarca desde el prototipo XH-40, que hizo su primer vuelo en octubre de 1956 hasta los últimos modelos UH-1Y Venom y AH-1Z Viper, ya del siglo XXI.


Designaciones civiles

A Bell 205A-1 on firefighting duty with the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources at Nym Lake, ON, 1996
A Bell 205A-1 with its helitack firefighting crew on standby with the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources at Sioux Lookout, Ontario, 1995
A Bell 204B (upgraded to a "C" model) arrives to pick up its Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources firefighting crew on Fire 141, 1995
Kern County (California) Fire Department's Bell 205 based at Mojave Spaceport
Bell 214ST
Bell 204B
Helicóptero para transporte utilitario de 11 plazas, derivado del UH-1B militar.[1]
Agusta-Bell AB 204
Helicóptero para transporte utilitario de 11 plazas. Fabricado bajo licencia en Italia por Agusta.
Agusta-Bell AB 204AS
Versión para guerra antisubmarina y guerra antisuperficie del helicóptero AB 204.
Fuji-Bell 204B-2
Helicóptero para transporte utilitario de 11 plazas. Fabricado bajo licencia en Japón por Fuji Heavy Industries.
Bell 205A
Helicóptero para transporte utilitario de 15 plazas.[1]
Agusta-Bell 205
Helicóptero para transporte utilitario de 15 plazas. Fabricado bajo licencia en Italia por Agusta.
Bell 205A-1
Helicóptero para transporte utilitario de 15 plazas, primera versión basada en el UH-1H militar.[1]
Agusta-Bell 205A-1
Versión modificada del AB 205.
Fuji-Bell 205A-1
Helicóptero para transporte utilitario de 15 plazas. Fabricado bajo licencia en Japón por Fuji Heavy Industries.
Bell 205A+
205A actualizado utilizando el motor T53-17 el sistema de rotor del 212. Similar a los 205B y 210 de producción.
Bell 205A-1A
Igual que el 205A-1, pero con puntos de anclaje para armamento y aviónica militar. Producido específicamente para contrato con Israel.
Bell 205B
Actualización del 205A para 15 plazas.[1]
Agusta-Bell 205BG
Prototipo equipado con dos motores turboeje Gnome H 1200.[2]
Agusta-Bell 205TA
Prototipo equipado con dos motores turboeje Turbomeca Astazous.[2]
Advanced 205B
Versión actualizada propuesta en Japón.
Bell 208
Prototipo experimental de doble motor "Twin Huey".[2]
Bell 209
Original AH-1G prototype with retractable skid landing gear.
Bell 210
15 seat upgraded 205A[1]
Bell 211
The HueyTug, was a commercial version of the UH-1C with an upgraded transmission, longer main rotor, larger tailboom, strengthened fuselage, stability augmentation system, and a 2,650 shp (1,976 kW) Lycoming T-55-L-7 turboshaft engine.[3]
Bell 212
15 seat twin-engined derivative of the Bell 205
Bell 214 Huey Plus
Strengthened development of the Bell 205 airframe with a larger engine
Bell 214ST
18 seat twin engined utility helicopter
Bell 249
Experimental AH-1 demonstrator version fitted with a four-bladed rotor system, an uprated engine and experimental equipment, including Hellfire missiles.[4]
Bell 309 KingCobra 
Experimental version powered by one Lycoming T-55-L-7C engine.[5]
Bell 412
Bell 212 with a four-bladed semi-rigid rotor system.
Bell Huey II
A modified and re-engined UH-1H, significantly upgrading its performance, and its cost-effectiveness. Currently offered by Bell to

all current military users of the type.

Global Eagle
Pratt & Whitney Canada name for a modified UH-1H with a new PT6C-67D engine, modified tail rotor, and other minor changes to increase range and fuel efficiency over the Bell 212.[6]
Huey 800
Upgraded commercial version, fitted with an LHTEC T800 turboshaft engine.[cita requerida]
Panha Shabaviz 2-75
Unlicensed version made by Panha in Iran.
Panha 2091
Unlicensed Iranian upgrade of the AH-1J International.

Designaciones militares (UH-1 y AH-1)

Archivo:Bell UH-1A.jpg
AH-1Fs of the Israeli Defence Force over Masada
CH-146 Griffon
Prototipo inicial del Bell 204. Fueron fabricados tres prototipos.[7]
Seis aparatos para evaluación, como el XH-40 con la cabina alargada 12 pulgadas y otras modificaciones.
Bell Model 533
Un YH-40BF refabricado para pruebas de vuelo con motores turbofan y alas.
Modelo de producción Bell 204 inicial, redesignado como UH-1A en 1962.[7] [8]
UH-1A con doble mando e instrumentos para vuelo sin visibilidad, 14 convertidos.[8]
Un único UH-1A que fue redesignado para pruebas con lanzagranadas en 1960.[7]
HU-1A actualizado, varias mejoras externas y en el rotor. Redesignado UH-1B en 1962.[7] [8]
Prototipo del UH-1B.[7]
Un único helicótpero de pruebas, número de serie 64-18261.[7]
UH-1B con motor mejorado, modificación de la cabeza de rotor y de las palas para un mejor rendimiento en el rol de helicóptero artillado.[7] [8]
Siete prototipos de preproducción del UH-1D.
Modelo de producción Bell 205 inicial (versión del 204 con fuselaje alargado).[7] [8]
Variante de salvamento del UH-1D para el Ejército estadounidense.[7]
Dornier UH-1D
Military utility transport helicopter. Built under license in Germany by Dornier Flugzeugwerke.[9]
98 production aircraft with the Enhanced Cobra Armament System (ECAS) featuring the M97A1 armament subsystem with a three-barreled M197 20 mm cannon. The AH-1E is also referred to as the "Upgunned AH-1S", or "AH-1S(ECAS)" prior to 1988.[4]
UH-1B/C for USMC with different avionics and equipment.[7] [8]
UH-1E configured for testing.
UH-1C configured for Marine Corps training. Twenty were built in 1965.[7]
The AH-1F is a "Modernized AH-1S".
UH-1B/C for USAF with General Electric T-58-GE-3 engine of 1,325 shp.[7] [8]
Instrument and Rescue Trainer based on the UH-1F for the USAF.[7] [8]
UH-1D/H gunships operating with the Cambodia armed forces were locally given the designation UH-1G.
AH-1G HueyCobra
Initial 1966 production model gunship for the US Army, with one 1,400shp Avco Lycoming T53-13 turboshaft.
JAH-1G HueyCobra
One helicopter for armament testing including Hellfire missiles and multi-barrel cannon.[10]
TH-1G HueyCobra
Two-seat dual-control trainer.[10]
Base Rescue Moose Jaw CH-118 Iroquois helicopters 118109 and 118101 at CFB Moose Jaw, 1982
Improved UH-1D with a Lycoming T-53-L-13 engine of 1,400 shp.[7] 5,435 built.[8]
Canadian Forces designation for the UH-1H utility transport helicopter. Redesignated CH-118.[11] [7] [8]
Twenty-two aircraft converted by installation of AN/ARQ-33 radio intercept and jamming equipment for Project Quick Fix.
SAR variant for the USAF with rescue hoist.[7] 30 built.[8]
Military utility transport helicopter. Built under license in Taiwan by Aerospace Industrial Development Corporation.[9]
Five UH-1Hs converted to SOTAS battlefield surveillance configuration with belly-mounted airborne radar.[7]
Recently modified UH-1Hs for use as basic helicopter flight trainers by the USAF.
AH-1J SeaCobra
Original twin engine AH-1 version.
AH-1J International
Export version of the AH-1J SeaCobra.
An improved Japanese version of the UH-1H built under license in Japan by Fuji was locally given the designation UH-1J.[12] [13]
Purpose built SAR variant of the Model 204 for the US Navy with USN avionics and equipment.[7] 27 built.[8]
Helicopter flight trainer based on the HH-1K for the USN.[7]
Utility variant of the TH-1L.[7]
Gunship specific UH-1C upgrade with Lycoming T-53-L-13 engine of 1,400 shp.[7]
Initial Bell 212 production model, the Bell "Twin Pac" twin-engined Huey.[7]
100 production aircraft with composite rotors, flat plate glass cockpit, and improved cockpit layout for nap-of-earth (NOE) flight. The AH-1P is also referred to as the "Production AH-1S", or "AH-1S(PROD)" prior to 1988.
UH-1F variant for USAF for special operations use and attack operations used solely by the USAF 20th Special Operations Squadron, "the Green Hornets".[7]
Eight AH-1Gs with XM26 Telescopic Sight Unit (TSU) and two M56 TOW 4-pack launchers.[4]
AH-1Q HueyCobra
Upgraded AH-1G equipped with the M65 TOW/Cobra missile subsystem, M65 Telescopic Sight Unit (TSU), and M73 Reflex sight.
AH-1G powered by a T53-L-703 engine without TOW system.[4]
AH-1RO Dracula
Proposed version for Romania.
AH-1W on a training mission at the Mojave Spaceport.
AH-1Q upgrade and TOW system.[4]
AH-1Q upgraded with a 1,800 shp T53-L-703 turboshaft engine.
AH-1T Improved SeaCobra
Improved version with extended tailboom and fuselage and an upgraded transmission and engines.
Single prototype for Counter Mortar/Counter Battery Radar Jamming aircraft. Crashed at Edwards AFB during testing.[cita requerida]
Aeromedical evacuation, rescue version for the US Army.[7]
AH-1W SuperCobra
"Whiskey Cobra", day/night version with more powerful engines and advanced weapons capability.
Electronic warfare UH-1Hs converted under "Quick Fix IIA".[7]
Upgraded variant developed from existing upgraded late model UH-1Ns, with additional emphasis on commonality with the AH-1Z as part of the H-1 upgrade program.
AH-1Z Viper
"Zulu Cobra", in conjunction with the H-1 upgrade program. Version includes an upgraded 4 blade main rotor and adds the Night Targeting System (NTS).
Canadian Forces CH-135 Twin Huey in service with the Multinational Force and Observers.
AH-1Z King Cobra
AH-1Z offered under Turkey's ATAK program; selected for production in 2000, but later canceled when Bell and Turkey could not reach an agreement on production.[14]
UH-1/T700 Ultra Huey
Upgraded commercial version, fitted with a 1,400-kW (1900-shp) General Electric T700-GE-701C turboshaft engine.
CH-118 Iroquois
Canadian Forces designation for the UH-1 Iroquois
CH-135 Twin Huey
Canadian Forces designation for the UH-1N Twin Huey
CH-146 Griffon
Canadian Forces designation for the Bell 412

Véase también


  1. a b c d e FAA Type Certificate Data Sheet H1SW for the 204, 205A, 205A-1 and 210 models
  2. a b c Greg Goebel's Vectorsite in Public Domain
  3. «Skycranes». Centennial of Flight Commission. Consultado el 2007-03-15.
  4. a b c d e Bishop, Chris. Huey Cobra Gunships. Osprey Publishing, 2006. ISBN 1-84176-984-3.
  5. Model 309 Kingcobra / Model 409 AAH (YAH-63),
  6. Douglas W. Nelms (2005-11-01). «Eagle Power». Aviation Today. Consultado el 2007-03-17.
  7. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n ñ o p q r s t u v w x Mutza, Wayne. UH-1 Huey In Action. Carrollton, Texas: Squadron/Signal Publications, 1986. ISBN 0-89747-179-2.
  8. a b c d e f g h i j k l Andrade, John M. U.S. Military Aircraft Designations and Serials since 1909. Hersham, Surrey, UK: Midland Counties Publications, 1979. ISBN 0-904597-22-9.
  9. a b The Bell UH-1 Huey.
  10. a b Donald, David. The Complete Encyclopedia of World Aircraft. Barnes & Nobel Books, 1997. ISBN 0-7607-0592-5.
  11. "Bell CH-118 Iroquois." Canadian DND webpage. Retrieved: 30 August 2007.
  12. UH-1J 多用途ヘリコプター. Retrieved: 11 December 2007.
  13. The Bell UH-1 Huey. Retrieved: 12 December 2007.
  14. "Back to square one in attack helicopter plan", Turkish Daily News, 2 December 2006.
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Wikimedia foundation. 2010.

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