


Los Brood son una raza ficticia de seres extraterrestres con aspecto parecido a insectos que aparecen en las historietas publicadas por la Marvel Comics, especiamente en Uncanny X-Men. Creados por el escritor Chris Claremont y el artista Dave Cockrum, aparecieron por primera vez en Uncanny X-Men #155 (marzo de 1982). Su aparición en Amalgam Comics fue en The Exciting X-Patrol #1 en 1997.

Los Brood poseen alas, dentadura conformada por colmillos y una cola con un aguijón. Tienen una mentalidad de colmena y siguen ciegamente a una reina. Para reproducirse, deben infectar a otras razas con sus huevos. En la serie Planet Hulk un miembro de esta raza es parte del equipo de Hulk.

Claremont ha dicho que se inspiró en los xenoformos de la película de 1979, Alien, el octavo pasajero, pero curiosamente los Brood aparecieron antes de que la sociedad de colmena de los xenoformos fuera introducida en la secuela Aliens, el regreso.

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  • Brood — may refer to:* Brood, a collective term for offspring * Brooding, the incubation of bird eggs by their parents * Brood (honeybee), the young of a beehive * Brood : to think deeply about something, often in a dark or melancholy manner. * The Brood …   Wikipedia

  • Brood — (br[=oo]d), n. [OE. brod, AS. br[=o]d; akin to D. broed, OHG. bruot, G. brut, and also to G. br[ u]he broth, MHG. br[ u]eje, and perh. to E. brawn, breath. Cf. {Breed}, v. t.] 1. The young birds hatched at one time; a hatch; as, a brood of… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • brood — brood; brood·er; brood·i·ness; brood·less; mul·ti·brood·ed; brood·ing·ly; …   English syllables

  • Brood — Brood, a. 1. Sitting or inclined to sit on eggs. [1913 Webster] 2. Kept for breeding from; as, a brood mare; brood stock; having young; as, a brood sow. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • brood — [bro͞od] n. [ME & OE brod, akin to Ger brut, a hatching: for IE base see BREATH] 1. the offspring, or a family of offspring, of animals; esp., a group of birds or fowl hatched at one time and cared for together 2. all the children in a family 3.… …   English World dictionary

  • brood|y — «BROO dee», adjective, brood|i|er, brood|i|est. 1. brooding: »a broody hen. 2. inclined to brood as a hen does; moody: » …   Useful english dictionary

  • Brood — (br[=o]ch), v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Brooded}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Brooding}.] 1. To sit on and cover eggs, as a fowl, for the purpose of warming them and hatching the young; or to sit over and cover young, as a hen her chickens, in order to warm and… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Brood — (br[=oo]d), v. t. 1. To sit over, cover, and cherish; as, a hen broods her chickens. [1913 Webster] 2. To cherish with care. [R.] [1913 Webster] 3. To think anxiously or moodily upon. [1913 Webster] You ll sit and brood your sorrows on a throne.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Brood X — (brood 10) is one of 15 broods of periodical cicadas that appear regularly throughout the eastern United States. It has the greatest range and concentration of any of the 17 year cicadas. []… …   Wikipedia

  • brood — [n] cluster of children begats, breed, chicks, clutch, descendants, family, flock, hatch, infants, issue, litter, offspring, posterity, progeniture, progeny, scions, seed, young; concept 296 Ant. child brood [v] agonize over be in brown study*,… …   New thesaurus

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