John Firminger Duthie

John Firminger Duthie
John Firminger Duthie
Nacimiento 12 de mayo de 1845
Fallecimiento 23 de febrero de 1922
Nacionalidad inglés
Ocupación botánico, explorador

John Firminger Duthie ( * 1845 - 1922 ) fue un botánico y explorador (India, Himalaya) inglés.

Entre 1875 a 1903 fue nombrado Superintendente del Jardín botánico Saharanpur; estudió botánica económica especializándose en Poaceae, debido a la necedidad de forraje en el noroeste de India.


Algunas publicaciones

  • 1876. Botanical excursions in the neighbourhood of the Baths of Lucca during the summer of 1873. Ed. Botanical Society
  • 1882. List of north-west Indian plants. Ed. Thomason civil engineering college press. 1 p.
  • 1882a. Field and garden crops of the North-western Provinces and Oudh. Ed. Thomason Civil Engineering College Press
  • Duthie, JF; JB Fuller 1882b. Field and Garden Crops of the North-Western Provinces and Oudh, with illustrations
  • 1886. Illustrations of the indigenous fodder grasses of the plains of north-western India. Ed. Thomason Civil Engineering College Press
  • 1889. A rough list of Indian fodder-yielding trees, shrubs, and herbs. Ed. Government of India Central Print. Office
  • 1892. Report on a botanical tour in Kashmir. Reeditó en 1978: International Book Distributors. 18 pp.
  • The orchids of the north-western Himalaya. Reeditó en 1979: Bishen Singh Mahendra Pal Singh
  • 1895. The botany of the Chitral Relief Expedition. Reeditó en 1978: International Book Distributors
  • 1876. Descriptions of some new species of orchideae from North-West and Central India


  • 1915. Report on a botanical tour in Merwára (Rájputána) made in January 1886. 28 pp.
  • 1915. Flora of the Upper Gangetic Plain, and of the Adjacent Siwalik and Sub-Himalayan Tracts. Vol. III. Pt. I. Nyctaginaceae to Ceratophyllaceae. Ed. Superintendent Gov. Print. Calcuta. 168 pp. Reeditado 2008 296 pp. ISBN 0-548-83028-2
  • Strachey, R; JF Duthie. 1918. Catalogue of the plants of Kumaon and of the adjacent portions of Garhwal and Tibet. Ed. Bishen Singh Mahendra Pal Singh. 269 pp.
  • King, G; JF Duthie, D Prain 1971. A second century of new and rare Indian plants. Ed. Today & Tomorrow, New Delhi. 80 pp. 93 planchas
  • 1978. The fodder grasses of Northern India. Ed. Scientific Publ. xxiv + vii + 90 pp.


En su honor se nombra al género:


La abreviatura Duthie se emplea para indicar a John Firminger Duthie como autoridad en la descripción y clasificación científica de los vegetales. (Ver listado de especies descritas por este autor en IPNI)

Enlaces externos

Wikimedia foundation. 2010.

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Mira otros diccionarios:

  • Дути, Джон Фирмингер — Джон Фирмингер Дути англ. John Firminger Duthie Дата рождения: 12 мая 1845(1845 05 12) Дата смерти: 23 февраля …   Википедия

  • Список ботаников по их сокращениям —   Это сл …   Википедия

  • List of botanists by author abbreviation — This is an incomplete list of botanists by their author abbreviation, which is designed for citation with the botanical names or works that they have published. This list follows that established by Brummitt Powell (1992).[1] Use of that list is… …   Wikipedia

  • Duthiea —   In honor of John Firminger Duthie (1845–1922) English botanist who collected in India …   Etymological dictionary of grasses

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