


Álbum de Staind
Publicación 13 de abril, 1999
Grabación Entre diciembre 1998 y enero 1999
Género(s) Rock alternativo, post-grunge, Nu metal
Duración 56:14
Discográfica Elektra
Productor(es) Terry Date
Calificaciones profesionales
Cronología de Staind



Break the Cycle
Sencillos de Dysfunction
  1. Just Go
    Publicación: 1999
  2. Mudshovel
    Publicación: 1999
  3. How About You
    Publicación: 1999
  4. Home
    Publicación: 1999

Dysfunction es el segundo álbum de la banda de rock estadounidense Staind y el primero lanzado con una discográfica, con Flip/Elektra. Just Go, Mudshovel y Home fueron lanzados como sencillos, estando Mudshovel incluida en el disco anterior de la banda, el "Tormented", aunque con diferente forma. El disco cuenta con una pista oculta "Excess Baggage" incluida después de un largo periodo de silencio al final de "Spleen". Al principio de la canción se escucha a Aaron Lewis, vocalista de la banda, vertiendo un trago, seguramente sin saber que lo estaban grabando.

Lista de canciones

  1. "Suffocate" – 3:16
  2. "Just Go" – 4:50
  3. "Me" – 4:36
  4. "Raw" – 4:09
  5. "Mudshovel" – 4:41
  6. "Home" – 4:04
  7. "A Flat" – 4:59
  8. "Crawl" – 4:29
  9. "Spleen" – 21:01
    • Pista oculta "Excess Baggage" comienza a 16:20
Versión avanzada
  1. "Bring The Noise" - 3:51
  2. "Crawl" - 4:29
  3. "Spleen" - 21:01
    • Pista oculta "Excess Baggage" starts at 16:20

Posición en las listas

Año Lista Posición
1999 Top Heatseekers 1
1999 Billboard 200 74

Enlaces externos

Obtenido de "Dysfunction"

Wikimedia foundation. 2010.

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Mira otros diccionarios:

  • Dysfunction — can refer to: Abnormality (behavior) Dysfunctional family Sexual dysfunction Dysfunction (album), an album by the rock band Staind See also Malfunction (disambiguation) This disambiguation page lists articles associated wi …   Wikipedia

  • dysfunction — dysfunction, dysfunctional Terms used to deal with tensions in the social system . Something is dysfunctional if it inhibits or disrupts the working of the system as a whole or another part of the system; for example, if teenage anomie disrupts… …   Dictionary of sociology

  • dysfunction — 1916, from DYS (Cf. dys ) bad, abnormal, difficult + FUNCTION (Cf. function) …   Etymology dictionary

  • dysfunction — [dis fuŋk′shən] n. abnormal, impaired, or incomplete functioning, as of a body organ or part …   English World dictionary

  • Dysfunction — Difficult function or abnormal function. There is, for example: Constitutional hepatic dysfunction, (familial nonhemolytic jaundice), Dental dysfunction (abnormal functioning of dental structures), Minimal brain dysfunction (attention deficit… …   Medical dictionary

  • dysfunction — [[t]dɪsfʌ̱ŋkʃən[/t]] dysfunctions 1) N COUNT If you refer to a dysfunction in something such as a relationship or someone s behaviour, you mean that it is different from what is considered to be normal. [FORMAL] ...his severe emotional… …   English dictionary

  • dysfunction — UK [dɪsˈfʌŋkʃ(ə)n] / US [dɪsˈfʌŋkʃən] noun [countable/uncountable] Word forms dysfunction : singular dysfunction plural dysfunctions 1) medical any medical condition in which a part of your body does not work normally symptoms of neurological… …   English dictionary

  • dysfunction — also disfunction noun Date: circa 1916 1. impaired or abnormal functioning < gastrointestinal dysfunction > 2. abnormal or unhealthy interpersonal behavior or interaction within a group < family dysfunction > • …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • dysfunction — dys|func|tion [ dıs fʌŋkʃən ] noun count or uncount 1. ) MEDICAL any medical condition in which a part of your body does not work normally: symptoms of neurological dysfunction 2. ) MAINLY JOURNALISM a failure to work well: This problem is the… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • dysfunction — noun /dɪsˈfʌŋk.ʃən/ A failure to function in an expected or complete manner. Usually refers to a disorder in a bodily organ (e.g. erectile dysfunction), a mental disorder, or the improper behavior of a social group. Ant: function …   Wiktionary

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