Fourth Dimension

Fourth Dimension

Fourth Dimension

Fourh Dimension
Álbum de Stratovarius
Publicación Bandera de Finlandia 8 de marzo, 1995

Bandera de Unión Europea 17 de julio, 2007

Grabación Soundtrack Studio
Género(s) Power metal
Duración 59:22
Discográfica Noise Records
Productor(es) Timo Tolkki
Calificaciones profesionales
Cronología de Stratovarius


Fourth Dimension


Fourth Dimension es un álbum de la banda finlandesa de power metal Stratovarius.

Este es el primer disco con Timo Kotipelto como vocalista.


  1. "Against The Wind" - 3:48
  2. "Distant Skies" - 4:10
  3. "Galaxies" - 5:01
  4. "Winter" - 6:32
  5. "Stratovarius" - 6:22
  6. "Lord of The Wasteland" - 6:10
  7. "030366" - 5:47
  8. "Nightfall" - 5:09
  9. "We Hold The Key" - 7:53
  10. "Twilight Symphony" - 7:00
  11. "Call of The Wilderness" - 1:30



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  • fourth dimension — n. a dimension in addition to the ordinary three space coordinates of length, width, and depth: in the theory of relativity, time is regarded as the fourth dimension: see SPACE TIME (sense 1) fourth dimensional adj …   English World dictionary

  • fourth dimension — fourth di mension n the fourth dimension an expression meaning time , used especially by scientists and writers of ↑science fiction …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • Fourth Dimension — est le quatrième album du groupe de metal finlandais Stratovarius, sorti en 1995. Il est marqué par l entrée au chant de Timo Kotipelto remplaçant l auteur compositeur du groupe Timo Tolkki. Les membres y ayant participé sont : Timo Tolkki… …   Wikipédia en Français

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  • fourth dimension — noun the fourth dimension a) an expression meaning time, used especially by scientists and writers of science fiction b) a type of experience that is outside normal human experience: ghosts, ESP, and other aspects of the fourth dimension …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • fourth dimension — N SING: the N In physics, the fourth dimension is time. The other three dimensions, which exist in space, are length, width, and height. [TECHNICAL] …   English dictionary

  • Fourth dimension (disambiguation) — Fourth dimension or 4D can mean a number of things:Science * Fourth dimension, the concept of a fourth spatial dimension * Spacetime, the concept of time forming a fourth dimensionLiterature * The Fourth Dimension , a non fiction book by Rudy… …   Wikipedia

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