HMS Dauntless

HMS Dauntless

Cinco buques y una dependencia en tierra de la Marina Real Británica han recibido el nombre HMS Dauntless:

  • El balandra de 18 cañones, botada en Hull, Inglaterra en noviembre de 1804. En 1807 embarrancó durante una batalla en el río Vístula y se rindió a los franceses.
  • El fragata de 24 cañones (33 desde 1854), botada en 1847 y vendida para desguace en 1885.
  • El HMS Dauntless (D45) fue un crucero ligero de la clase Danae botado en 1918. Se empleó como buque de entrenamiento desde 1943 hasta su venta para desguace en 1946.
  • HMS Dauntless fue la dependencia de entrenamiento del servicio naval femenino de la Marina Real Británica en Burghfield, desde 1947 hasta 1981.

En construcción:

  • El destructor Tipo 45 botado el 23 de enero de 2007 en los astilleros de BAE Systems en Govan, Glasgow, cuya entrada en servicio está prevista en 2010.

En la ficción:

Wikimedia foundation. 2010.

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Mira otros diccionarios:

  • HMS Dauntless — Four ships and one Shore Establishment of the Royal Navy have borne the name HMS Dauntless :* HMS Dauntless was an 18 gun sloop launched at Hull, England in November 1804. In 1807 she ran aground during a battle in the Vistula River and was… …   Wikipedia

  • HMS Dauntless (D45) — HMS Dauntless was a Danae class light cruiser of the Royal Navy. She was launched from the yards of Palmers Shipbuilding and Iron Company on 10 April, 1918 and commissioned on 22 November, 1918. DesignThe Danae class mounted an extra 6 inch gun… …   Wikipedia

  • HMS Dauntless (D33) — Dauntless (HMS Dauntless once commissioned) is the second ship of the Type 45 or D Class of air defence destroyer (AAW) being built for the Royal Navy.Construction and Launch Dauntless s construction began at the BAE Systems Naval Ships yard at… …   Wikipedia

  • HMS Dauntless (D45) — Banderas …   Wikipedia Español

  • HMS Dauntless (1804) — The first HMS Dauntless was a 22 carronade Combatant class sloop of the Royal Navy. HistoryShe was built in Hull at the William Gibson Shipyard [Jackson, Hull in the Eighteenth Century, P.427 Appendix; Ships Built in Hull for the Royal Navy, 1690 …   Wikipedia

  • HMS Dauntless (1847) — The third HMS Dauntless was a wooden hulled steam screw frigate, launched at Portsmouth in 1847.cite web|url=|title=William Looney RN website HMS Dauntless|accessdate=2008 06 18] HistoryFirst intended as a… …   Wikipedia

  • HMS Dauntless (1808) — HistoryThe second HMS Dauntless was a sixth rate sloop of the Royal Navy armed with 24 carronades and two 6 pounder guns. She was built in Deptford Dockyard as a Cormorant class sloop. Her first service was in November 1809 when she escorted a… …   Wikipedia

  • HMS Danae (1918) — HMS Danae (D44) ORP Conrad (D44) Schiffsdaten …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • HMS Dragon (1918) — HMS Dragon (D46) ORP Dragon (D46) Die ORP Dragon nach der Überholung 1944 …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • HMS Danae (D44) — HMS Danae p1 …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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