Lumière y compañía

Lumière y compañía
Título Lumére y la compañía
Ficha técnica
Dirección Theo Angelopoulos
Vicente Aranda
John Boorman
Youssef Chahine
Alain Corneau
Raymond Depardon
Francis Girod
Peter Greenaway
Ver todos los créditos (IMDb)
Datos y cifras
País(es) Francia
Año 1995
Género Documental
Idioma(s) español
Ficha en IMDb

El proyecto Lumière y Compañía fue una iniciativa de Sarah Moon quien en 1996, para conmemorar los 100 primeros años de cine, reunió a cuarenta renombrados directores de cine de todo el mundo para que realizaran cada uno un cortometraje de 52 segundos de duración, con la cámara y la emulsión originales que usaron los hermanos Lumière en 1895, dándole a los directores completa libertad creativa pero señalándoles unas cuantas restricciones técnicas, tales como usar sólo luz natural, sin sonido directo, determinado número de tomas, etc.

Directores participantes

Participaron en el desafío los siguientes directores:

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Mira otros diccionarios:

  • Compañía fotográfica Napoleón — Estudio en la plaza del Ángel, derribado en 1909. Edificio …   Wikipedia Español

  • Película de cine — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Este artículo trata sobre el soporte fotográfico utilizado para la filmación y proyección cinematográfica. Para otros significados, véase película (desambiguación). La película de cine es la película fotográfica en… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Leconte, Patrice — (November 12, 1947, Paris, France )    Having graduated from the IDHEC in 1969, he di­rected his first short the same year. In the early 1970s, he joined the magazine Pilote, in which he published his comic strips for five years. He worked as a… …   Encyclopedia of French film directors

  • Lelouch, Claude — (October 30, 1937, Paris, France )    The son of a Jewish confectioner, he knew very young that cinema would be his life. His first short, Le Mal du Siècle, won a prize at the Cannes Amateur Film Festival. During his twenty eight months of his… …   Encyclopedia of French film directors

  • Rivette, Jacques — (Jacques Lorris / March I, 1928, Rouen, Seine Maritime, France )    He settled in Paris in 1949 and spent a lot of time watching films at the Cinémathèque Française. In 1950, he co founded with Jean Luc Godard, Eric Rohmer, and François Truffaut… …   Encyclopedia of French film directors

  • Depardon, Raymond — (July 6, 1942, Ville franche sur Saône, Rhône, France )    Born into a family of farmers, in 1958 he went to Paris, where he earned his living as an assistant to a photographer. After working as a freelance photog­rapher for the Delmas agency, he …   Encyclopedia of French film directors

  • Corneau, Alain — (August 7, 1943, Meung sur Loire, Loiret, France )    The son of a veterinarian and movie buff father with whom he saw dozens of American movies (mostly westerns and films noirs), he was an amateur jazz drummer before settling in Paris to study… …   Encyclopedia of French film directors

  • Allouache, Merzak — (October 6, 1944, Al­giers, Algeria )    In 1964, he began his Cinema Studies at INC of Algiers and completed them in IDHEC, the famous Parisian film school. Having graduated in 1967, he was one of the most rewarded Algerian directors before he… …   Encyclopedia of French film directors

  • Costa-Gavras — (Konstantinos Gavras / Febru­ary 12, 1933, Loutra Iraias, Greece )    The son of a bureaucrat of the Greek government who joined the Resistance during World War II, he encountered many difficulties after his father was suspected of being a… …   Encyclopedia of French film directors

  • Girod, Francis — (October 9, 1944, Semblançay, Indre et Loire, France November 19, 2006, Bor­deaux, Gironde, France)    He entered films as an assistant director (1962 Les Culottes rouges, Alex Joffé; 1963 Ballade pour un Voyou, Claude Jean Bonnardot; Les Vierges …   Encyclopedia of French film directors

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