Andrew Bonar Law

Andrew Bonar Law

Andrew Bonar Law

Andrew Bonar Law
Andrew Bonar Law
Andrew Bonar Law

UK Royal Coat of Arms.svg
Primer Ministro del Reino Unido
23 de octubre de 1922 – 22 de mayo de 1923
Precedido por David Lloyd George
Sucedido por Stanley Baldwin

Datos personales
Nacimiento 16 de septiembre de 1858
Rexton, Nuevo Brunswick, Canadá
Fallecimiento 30 de octubre de 1923

Londres, Inglaterra

Partido Conservador
Cónyuge Annie Pitcairn Robley
Profesión banquero

Andrew Bonar Law (16 de septiembre de 185830 de octubre de 1923) fue un político y hombre de estado británico nacido en Canadá. Militó en el Partido Conservador y fue primer ministro del Reino Unido.


  • Adams, R. J. Q. Bonar Law, London: John Murray, 1999. ISBN 0-7195-5422-5
  • Blake, Robert The Unknown Prime Minister: The Life and Times of Andrew Bonar Law, 1858-1923, London: 1955.
  • Smith, Jeremy "Bluff, Bluster and Brinkmanship: Andrew Bonar Law and the Third Home Rule Bill" pages 161-178 from Historical Journal, Volume 36, Issue #1, 1993.
  • Deane, Ciarán The Guinness Book of Irish Facts & Feats. Guinness Publishing 1994 ISBN 0-85112-793-2

Enlaces externos


David Lloyd George
Primer Ministro del Reino Unido
1922 a 1923
Stanley Baldwin
Obtenido de "Andrew Bonar Law"

Wikimedia foundation. 2010.

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Mira otros diccionarios:

  • Andrew Bonar Law — (* 16. September 1858 in Kingston, New Brunswick, Kanada; † 30. Oktober 1923 in London, England) war ein britischer Politiker und Premierminister. Er gehörte der Conservative Party …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Andrew Bonar Law — Mandats 54e Premier ministre du Royaume Uni 23  …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Andrew Bonar Law — Infobox Prime Minister honorific prefix = The Right Honourable name = Andrew Bonar Law honorific suffix = caption = office = Prime Minister of the United Kingdom term start = 23 October 1922 term end = 22 May 1923 monarch = George V predecessor …   Wikipedia

  • Bonar Law —   [ bəʊnə lɔː], Andrew, britischer Politiker, Law, Andrew Bonar …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Law, (Andrew)Bonar — Law, (Andrew) Bonar. 1858 1923. Canadian born British politician who served as Chancellor of the Exchequer (1916 1918) and prime minister (1922 1923). * * * …   Universalium

  • Annie Bonar Law — Annie Bonar Law, née Annie Pitcairn Robley (died 1909) was the wife of British Prime Minister Andrew Bonar Law.She was the daughter of Mr. Harrington Robley of Glasgow.In 1890 she became engaged to local businessman Andrew Bonar Law, and they… …   Wikipedia

  • Law, (Andrew) Bonar — born Sept. 16, 1858, Kingston, N.B., Can. died Oct. 30, 1923, London, Eng. Prime minister of Britain (1922–23), the first born in a British overseas possession. Reared in Scotland, he was elected to the House of Commons in 1900 and became leader… …   Universalium

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  • Law — /law/, n. 1. Andrew Bonar /bon euhr/, 1858 1923, English statesman, born in Canada: prime minister 1922 23. 2. John, 1671 1729, Scottish financier. 3. William, 1686 1761, English clergyman and devotional writer. * * * I Discipline and profession… …   Universalium

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