Mushy peas

Mushy peas
Mushy peas.

Mushy peas son guisantes secos que se ponen a remojo una noche antes y se cuecen a fuego lento hasta que forman una pasta verde empleada como acompañamiento de carnes a la brasa. Suele encontrarse frecuentemente en la cocina inglesa. A los Mushy peas se le añade a veces aditivos que hagan la pasta de un verde más brillante y más atractiva a la vista. Se añade igualmente algunas pequeñas porciones de bicarbonato sódico para que inhiba la fermentación y que reduzca la flatulencia.


En el norte de Inglaterra son un acompañamiento tradicional del fish and chips, o en el noroeste se sirven como snack junto con el popular Pie and peas (similar al Pie floater australiano). Se suele añadir una pequeña bola de mantequilla para dar sabor. En algunos platos llega a acompañar a la salsa de menta. En la actualidad existe una denominación jocosa en algunos menús donde aparece como Yorkshire Caviar.

Véase también

  • Black peas
  • Pease pudding

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Mira otros diccionarios:

  • mushy peas — n [plural] BrE soft cooked ↑peas, eaten especially in the north of England …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • Mushy peas — A British meal of fish and chips served with mushy peas in the ramekin on the right Mushy peas are dried marrowfat peas which are first soaked overnight in water and then simmered with a little sugar and salt until they form a thick green lumpy… …   Wikipedia

  • mushy peas — noun marrowfat peas that have been soaked overnight and then boiled; served with fish and chips • Hypernyms: ↑side dish, ↑side order, ↑entremets * * * mushy peas UK US noun [plural] british peas that are boiled until they are very soft, eaten as… …   Useful english dictionary

  • mushy peas — /mʌʃi ˈpiz/ (say mushee peez) plural noun a dish of peas soaked and cooked slowly to a mushy consistency, and seasoned …  

  • mushy peas — noun dried marrowfat peas which are first soaked overnight and then boiled until they form a bright green paste; a traditional accompaniment to fish and chips …   Wiktionary

  • mushy peas — noun (plural) BrE soft cooked peas, eaten especially in the north of England …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • mushy peas — UK / US noun [plural] British peas that are boiled until they are very soft, eaten as a vegetable, especially in northern England …   English dictionary

  • Mushy — may refer to: Tony Mushy Buckley (born 1980), Irish rugby union player Mushy Callahan (1904–1986), American light welterweight champion boxer Mushy peas, a thick green lumpy soup of prepared marrowfat peas This disambiguation page lists articles… …   Wikipedia

  • mushy — adjective a) resembling or having the consistency of mush; semi liquid, pasty, or granular I dont especially like mushy oatmeal. b) soft; squishy …   Wiktionary

  • Black peas — For the unrelated species known as Black pea , see Lathyrus niger. Black peas, also called parched peas or maple peas, form a traditional Lancashire dish served often on or around Bonfire Night (5 November). The dish, popular in Rochdale, Oldham …   Wikipedia

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