My Iron Lung

My Iron Lung
My Iron Lung EP[1]
EP de Radiohead
Publicación 24 de octubre de 1994

31 de enero de 1995

Grabación 1993-1994
Género(s) Rock alternativo
Duración 28:23
Discográfica Parlophone
Capitol Records
Productor(es) John Leckie, Nigel Godrich, Radiohead
Cronología de Radiohead


My Iron Lung EP[2]

The Bends

Es un EP lanzado en 1994 por la banda Inglesa Radiohead; contenía la canción del mismo nombre (la cual seria incluida en el disco The Bends), varios Lados B de Pablo Honey y la versión acústica de la composición ¨Creep¨, primer sencillo de Radiohead.

  1. "My Iron Lung" - [4:36]
  2. "The Trickster" - [4:40]
  3. "Lewis (Mistreated)" - [3:19]
  4. "Punchdrunk Lovesick Singalong" - [4:40]
  5. "Permanent Daylight" - [2:48]
  6. "Lozenge of Love" - [2:16]
  7. "You Never Wash Up After Yourself" - [1:44]
  8. "Creep (Acoustic)" - [4:19]


Este EP contenía la canción My Iron Lung, la cual, al presentarse como sencillo, fue comercializada por la tienda en línea iTunes. Radiohead demandó a la tienda y retiraron la melodía de la página. Sin embargo, fue colocada nuevamente en 2008; no se sabe si por decisión del grupo o de EMI.


1994 - My Iron Lung (Video en vivo)

Wikimedia foundation. 2010.

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Mira otros diccionarios:

  • iron lung — i ron lung , n. A steel chamber, usually cylindrical, enclosing the entire body of a person except for the head, used to assist respiration for people suffering from disease, especially poliomyelitis. A reciprocating piston at the end causes… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Iron Lung Corp. — Iron Lung Corp. is a side project of members of Acumen Nation and The Clay People. Their music was featured in the Xbox game Amped 2.Discography* Big Shiny Spears (1996) * Ditch the Attitude, Pally (2002) …   Wikipedia

  • iron lung — n a device for artificial respiration in which rhythmic alternations in the air pressure in a chamber surrounding a patient s chest force air into and out of the lungs esp. when the nerves governing the chest muscles fail to function because of… …   Medical dictionary

  • iron lung — n a large machine with a metal case used to help people to breathe …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • iron lung — ► NOUN ▪ a rigid case fitted over a patient s body, used for administering prolonged artificial respiration by means of mechanical pumps …   English terms dictionary

  • iron lung — ☆ iron lung n. a large metal respirator that encloses all of the body but the head, used for maintaining artificial respiration in a person who has difficulty in breathing as a result of poliomyelitis, gas poisoning, etc …   English World dictionary

  • Iron lung — [ Rancho Los Amigos Hospital, California. 1953] An iron lung is a large machine that enables a person to breathe when normal muscle control has been lost or the work of breathing exceeds the person s ability. It is a form of medical ventilator.… …   Wikipedia

  • iron lung — wouldn t work in an iron lung Extraordinarily lazy. The phrase derives from the artificial respirator that kept polio patients alive by breathing for them in the days when up to ten thousand people annually were affected by poliomyelitis (… …   Australian idioms

  • iron lung — /aɪən ˈlʌŋ / (say uyuhn lung) noun 1. a chamber in which alternate pulsations of high and low pressure can be used to force normal lung movements, used especially in some cases of poliomyelitis. –phrase 2. wouldn t work in an iron lung,… …  

  • My Iron Lung — EP Radiohead Дата выпуска …   Википедия

  • My Iron Lung — EP by Radiohead Released 24 October 1994 R …   Wikipedia

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