Animal Rights

Animal Rights

Animal Rights

Animal Rights
Álbum de Moby
Publicación 23 de septiembre de 1996
Género(s) Punk Rock / Ambient
Duración 1:12:53
Discográfica Mute Records
Productor(es) Moby, Alan Moulder
Cronología de Moby

Rare: The Collected B-Sides 1989-1993

Animal Rights

I Like To Score

Animal Rights es un álbum de Moby, lanzado el 23 de septiembre de 1996.

El álbum tuvo un flojo recibimiento en su primer lanzamiento. Moby se había ganado una buena reputación con la música techno, pero en Animal Rights se embarcó en el punk rock y la música ambiente.

Mientras una gran mayoría elogió su intento de diversificar, Animal Rights es, por lo general, percibido como un conjunto poco original de ritmos y guiños al techno, disfrazados como rock alternativo.


Listado de canciones

Todas las canciones están compuestas por Moby excepto "That's When I Reach for My Revolver", por Clint Conley de Mission of Burma.

Reino Unido: Mute / Stumm 150

Lanzamiento: 23 de septiembre de 1996.

  1. "Now I Let It Go" – 2:08
  2. "Come on Baby" – 4:39
  3. "Someone to Love" – 2:51
  4. "Heavy Flow" – 1:54
  5. "You" – 2:33
  6. "My Love Will Never Die" – 4:32
  7. "Soft" – 3:57
  8. "Say It's All Mine" – 6:04
  9. "That's When I Reach for My Revolver" – 3:55
  10. "Face It" – 10:01
  11. "Living" – 6:59
  12. "Love Song for My Mom" – 3:40

Estados Unidos: Elektra / 62031

Lanzamiento: 11 de febrero de 1997.

  1. "Dead Sun" – 3:40
  2. "Someone to Love" – 3:09
  3. "Heavy Flow" – 1:55
  4. "You" – 2:33
  5. "Now I Let It Go" – 2:09
  6. "Come on Baby" – 4:30
  7. "Soft" – 3:54
  8. "Anima" – 2:25
  9. "Say It's All Mine" – 6:04
  10. "That's When I Reach for My Revolver" – 3:55
  11. "Alone" – 10:45
  12. "Face It" – 10:00
  13. "Old" – 3:06
  14. "Living" – 6:58
  15. "Love Song for My Mom" – 3:38
  16. "A Season in Hell" – 3:57


El primer single del álbum fue "That's When I Reach For My Revolver", que fue objeto de cierta controversia ya que Moby cambió una parte de la letra de la versión original de Mission of Burma.

El segundo single lanzado fue "Come On Baby", a principios de noviembre de 1996.

Obtenido de "Animal Rights"

Wikimedia foundation. 2010.

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Mira otros diccionarios:

  • Animal rights — advocates propose that animals be viewed as persons, not property.[1] Description Animals are members of the moral community …   Wikipedia

  • animal rights — Protection of animals from cruelty through requirements of humane treatment. Laws protecting animal rights proscribe certain forms of brutal and merciless treatment of animals in medical and scientific research and in the handling of and… …   Law dictionary

  • animal rights — n [U] the idea that people should treat animals well, and especially not use them in tests to develop medicines or other products animal rights activists/campaigners/groups etc ▪ Bill has been involved in the animal rights movement for years …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • Animal Rights — (1996) Album par Moby Genre House, Electronica, Trip hop, Rock, Pop Label Mute Records …   Wikipédia en Français

  • animal rights — noun uncount a belief that animals should be treated well by people and not killed or used for scientific experiments …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • animal rights — the rights of animals, claimed on ethical grounds, to the same humane treatment and protection from exploitation and abuse that are accorded to humans. [1975 80] * * * rights, primarily against being killed and being treated cruelly, that are… …   Universalium

  • animal rights —    The issue of animal rights has theoretical and practical dimensions relating to the treatment of animals by humans. On the theoretical side, animal rights refers to the idea that animals ought to be ascribed rights to protect them from being… …   Encyclopedia of contemporary British culture

  • animal rights — noun plural : rights (as that to fair and humane treatment) regarded as belonging fundamentally to all animals * * * ˌanimal ˈrights 7 [animal rights] noun plural the rights of animals to be treated well, for example by not being hunted or used… …   Useful english dictionary

  • animal rights — The view that animals have rights, for instance to decent treatment, is more controversial than the view that we ought to behave decently towards them. This is because to some thinkers the notion of a right involves the ability to make a claim… …   Philosophy dictionary

  • animal rights — noun Animal rights is used before these nouns: ↑protester …   Collocations dictionary

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