Premio Robert Capa Gold Medal

Premio Robert Capa Gold Medal

Premio Robert Capa Gold Medal

La Robert Capa Gold Medal (Medalla de oro Robert Capa) es un premio a la mejor fotografía realizada fuera de Estados Unidos que requiera excepcional valor y medios ("best published photographic reporting from abroad requiring exceptional courage and enterprise").[1]

El galardón, que se otorga anualmente por el Overseas Press Club, se creó en 1955 en honor al fotógrafo de guerra Robert Capa.


Fotógrafos con más de una medalla

Fotógrafo Medallas obtenidas Año
James Nachtwey 5 1983, 1984, 1986, 1994 y 1998
Larry Burrows 3 1963, 1965 y 1971
Carolyn Cole 2 2002 y 2003
Luc Delahaye 2 1992 y 2001

Lista completa de ganadores

  • 2007: John Moore, Getty Images, "El asesinato de Benazir Bhutto"
  • 2006: Paolo Pellegrin, Magnum, "True Pain: Israel & Hizbullah"
  • 2005: Chris Hondros, Getty Images, "One Night In Tal Afar"
  • 2004: Ashley Gilbertson (Aurora), The New York Times, "The Battle for Fallujah"
  • 2003: Carolyn Cole, The Los Angeles Times, "Covering Conflict: Iraq and Liberia"
  • 2002: Carolyn Cole, The Los Angeles Times, "Church of the Nativity: In the Center of the Siege"
  • 2001: Luc Delahaye (Magnum) para Newsweek, "Afghanistan"
  • 2000: Chris Anderson (Aurora), The New York Times Magazine, "Desperate Passage"
  • 1999: John Stanmeyer (SABA), Time, "The Killing of Bernardino Guterres in Dili, East Timor"
  • 1998: James Nachtwey (Magnum), Time, "Indonesia: Descent into Madness"
  • 1997: Horst Faas/Tim Page, Random House, "Requiem: By the Photographers Who Died in Vietnam and Indochina"
  • 1996: Corrine Dufka (Reuters), "Liberia: From a Dead Mans Wallet"
  • 1995: Anthony Suau, Time, "Grozny: Rusias Nightmare"
  • 1994: James Nachtwey (Magnum), Time Magazine, "Election Violence for South Africa"
  • 1993: Paul Watson, The Toronto Star, "Mogadishu"
  • 1992: Luc Delahaye (Sipa Press), "Sarajevo: Life in the War Zone"
  • 1991: Christopher Morris (Black Star), Time.
  • 1990: Bruce Haley (Black Star), U.S. News & World Report
  • 1989: David Turnley (Black Star & The Detroit Free Press) "Revolutions in China and Romania"
  • 1988: Chris Steele-Perkins (Magnum), Time, "Graveside Terror"
  • 1987: Janet Knott, The Boston Globe, "Democracy: What Price?"
  • 1986: James Nachtwey, Time/GEO (edición alemana), "Island at War"
  • 1985: Peter Magubane, Time, "Cry for Justice: Cry for Peace"
  • 1984: James Nachtwey (Black Star), Time, "Photos of El Salvador"
  • 1983: James Nachtwey, Time, "Lebanon"
  • 1982: Harry Mattison, Time.
  • 1981: Rudi Frey, Time.
  • 1980: Steve McCurry, Time.
  • 1979: Kaveh Golestan, Time.
  • 1978: Susan Meiselas, Time.
  • 1977: Eddie Adams (The Associated Press), "The Boat of No Smiles".
  • 1976: Catherine Leroy (Gamma), Time, Cobertura de luchas callejeras en Beirut.
  • 1975: Dirck Halstead, Time, Cobertura de Vietnam.
  • 1974: W. Eugene Smith, Camera 35.
  • 1973: David Burnett/Raymond Depardon/Charles Gerretsen (Gamma Presse Images), "Chili"
  • 1972: Clive W. Limpkin, Penguin Books, "Battle of Bogside"
  • 1971: Larry Burrows, Life.
  • 1970: Kyoichi Sawada (United Press International)
  • 1969: Fotografñia checa anónima, Look, "A Death to Remember"
  • 1968: John Olson, Life, "The Battle That Regained and Ruined Hue"
  • 1967: David Douglas Duncan, Life & ABC.
  • 1966: Henri Huet (The Associated Press)
  • 1965: Larry Burrows, Life.
  • 1964: Horst Faas (The Associated Press), Coverage of Vietnam.
  • 1963: Larry Burrows, Life, Fotografías en color de la guerra de Vietnam.
  • 1962: Peter Dehmel & Klaus Dehmel, NBC, "The Tunnel"
  • 1960: Yung Su Kwon, NBC,
  • 1959: Mario Biasetti, CBS.
  • 1958: Paul Bruck, CBS, Coverage of Lebanon.
  • 1956: John Sadovy, Life.
  • 1955: Howard Sochurek, Magnum para Life.


  1. «OPC Awards: The Robert Capa Gold Medal». Overseas Press Club of America. Consultado el 2007-11-12.

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