
Álbum de estudio de Triosphere
Publicación 2006-2007
Grabación TopRoom Studio, junio de 2006.[1]
Género(s) Heavy metal melódico, metal progresivo
Discográfica Face Front Records
Plastic Head Distribution
Spiritual Beast
Productor(es) Rune Stavnesli, Marius Silver Bergesen[1]
Calificaciones profesionales
Cronología de Triosphere

The Road Less Travelled

Onwards es el primer álbum de la banda noruega de metal progresivo y melódico Triosphere. Fue publicado por primera vez en su país, Noruega, en otoño de 2006 por la compañía Face Front Records, y en febrero de 2007 en el resto de Europa por Plastic Head Distribution; mientras que la discográfica para Asia y Estados Unidos fue Spiritual Beast, que sacó el álbum en esos lugares en noviembre de 2006 y a comienzos de otoño de 2007, respectivamente.[2] Tanto la banda como este primer trabajo, Onwards, recibieron elogiosas críticas y numerosos premios durante los años siguientes.[3]


Lista de canciones

  1. "Onwards Part I (All Is Fair In Love And War?…)" - 0:26
  2. "Onwards Part II (Decadent One)" - 3:32
  3. "Trinity" - 4:5
  4. "Lament" - 3:45
  5. "Spitfire" - 3:55
  6. "The Silver Lining" - 4:32
  7. "Gunnin’ For Glory" - 3:51
  8. "Sunriser" - 4:47
  9. "Twilight" - 4:21
  10. "Onwards Part III (A Sole Twin’s Search In Solitude)" - 6:13
  11. "Onwards Part IV (Retrospect, Moving Forwards In Reverse)" - 7:06
  12. "Onwards Part V (Towards A New Horizon)" - 2:14*
  13. "Mean Man" - 3:56*

* Pista adicional en la edición japonesa.


  • "Trinity" (2006)
  • "Onwards Part II (Decadent One)" (2006)

Miembros de la banda

  • Ida Haukland - voz y bajo eléctrico
  • Marius Silver Bergesen - guitarra principal y rítmica
  • Ørjan Aare Jørgensen - batería
  • Tor Ole Byberg - guitarra rítmica


  1. a b http://www.thetriosphere.com/site/triosphere-albums-and-compilations/triosphere-onwards/
  2. «The Beginning», thetriosphere.com. Consultado el 11-11-2010.
  3. Wacken Open Air 2011 (ed.): «Triosphere» (en inglés/alemán) (12-01-2011). Consultado el 29 de marzo de 2011.

Enlaces externos

Wikimedia foundation. 2010.

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Mira otros diccionarios:

  • Onwards — On wards, adv. [See { wards}.] Onward. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • onwards — see ONWARD (Cf. onward) …   Etymology dictionary

  • onwards — on|wards [ˈɔnwədz US ˈa:nwərdz, ˈo:n ] adv usually onward AmE 1.) from ... onwards beginning at a particular time or age and continuing after that ▪ from the 1980s onwards 2.) literary forwards ▪ He walked onwards to the head of the lake. 3.)… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • onwards — onward, onwards The only form for the adjective is onward (resuming their onward journey), but onward and onwards are both used for the adverb, with a preference for onwards in BrE: • He d subscribed to all sorts of causes, from the Spanish Civil …   Modern English usage

  • onwards — usually onward AmE adverb 1 forwards: The ship sailed majestically onwards. 2 from...onwards beginning at a particular time and continuing after that time: I m on call at the hospital from midnight onwards …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • onwards */*/ — UK [ˈɒnwə(r)dz] / US [ˈɑnwərdz] adverb 1) if something happens or exists from a particular time onwards, it starts at that time and continues to happen or exist From then onwards, everything between them changed. Most nights are busy from about 7 …   English dictionary

  • onwards — [ˈɒnwədz] adv if something happens or exists from a particular time onwards, it starts at that time and continues to happen or exist Most nights are busy from about 7 pm onwards.[/ex] …   Dictionary for writing and speaking English

  • onwards — adv. Onwards is used with these verbs: ↑trudge …   Collocations dictionary

  • onwards — onward / onwards [adv] ahead, beyond alee, along, forth, forward, in front, in front of, moving, on, on ahead; concepts 585,778 Ant. backward, backwards …   New thesaurus

  • Onwards (album) — Onwards Studio album by Triosphere Released 2006 2007 …   Wikipedia

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