Steak sauce

Steak sauce
Dos salsas steack sauce.

Steak sauce (o brown sauce en las Islas Británicas) es una salsa marrón genérica servida como condimento para las carnes. Los dos términos son similares pero no idénticos. En Estados Unidos el nombre implica una salsa de filete(steak sauce) que predominantemente se asocia con la carne de vacuno, mientras que la salsa marrón (brown sauce) se aplica a una gran variedad de alimentos. Las marcas comerciaales más conocidas son A1 Steak Sauce en los Estados Unidos, mientras que HP Sauce es más conocido en Reino Unido. En Reino Unido se suele emplear en los bacon sandwiches y en el pie and mash.

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  • Steak sauce — In the United States, steak sauce is a generic term used for various premade sauces for serving with meat. Most commonly, it refers to sauces served with quality beef and of western origin. The term steak sauce is derived from these sauces often… …   Wikipedia

  • steak sauce — noun A condiment, usually containing a variety of flavorings, designed to accompany steak. Syn: brown sauce …   Wiktionary

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  • A1 Steak Sauce — A.1. is a steak sauce and condiment for use with meat or game dishes.A1 was introduced to the United States by G.F. Heublein Brothers, and was officially registered as a trademark in North America in 1895. History and ownershipThe original steak… …   Wikipedia

  • A1 Steak Sauce™ — [A1 Steak Sauce] (abbr A1) a US popular brand of sauce which contains a mixture of spices and flavourings, is sold in tall bottles and is eaten especially with meat. The sauce was first made in 1824 …   Useful english dictionary

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  • A1 Steak Sauce{™} — (abbr A1) a US popular brand of sauce which contains a mixture of spices and flavourings, is sold in tall bottles and is eaten especially with meat. The sauce was first made in 1824 and it now produced by Kraft. * * * …   Universalium

  • Steak — A steak (from Old Norse steik , roast ) is a slice of meat, typically beef. Most steaks are cut perpendicular to the muscle fibres, improving the perceived tenderness of the meat. In North America, steaks are typically served grilled, though they …   Wikipedia

  • Sauce — For other uses, see Sauce (disambiguation). In cooking, a sauce is liquid, creaming or semi solid food served on or used in preparing other foods. Sauces are not normally consumed by themselves; they add flavor, moisture, and visual appeal to… …   Wikipedia

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