
Anadyr residents 1906.JPG
Debido a los duros inviernos en las zonas donde viven, los Chukchis tradicionales eran expertos en la elaboración de ropa de abrigo y cómoda.
Población total 15.767 (censo 2002)
Idioma Ruso, chucoto
Religión Cristianismo ortodoxo, chamanismo
Etnias relacionadas Koryaks, Kerek, Itelmen
Asentamientos importantes
1. Chukotka, Rusia
2. Kamchatka, Rusia

Los chucotos o chukchis (en ruso: чукчи (plural), чукча (singular)) son un pueblo paleosiberiano que habita una zona muy extensa y casi despoblada entre el mar de Bering y el mar de Chukchi, incluyendo la península de Chukchi. Dicha zona incluye las cuencas del río Anádyr y del río Alazeya, en el distrito autónomo de Chukotka, en el extremo nororiental de Siberia, en la Federación Rusa. Hablan el chucoto y su población se origino a partir de los habitantes que habitan las costas del mar de Okhotsk. Se dedican a la pesca y al pastoreo de renos. Físicamente se parecen mucho a los coreanos.

La mayoría de los chukchis residen dentro de la región autónoma de Chukotka, pero algunos residen en los alrededores de la república de Sajá al occidente, Óblast de Magadán al sudoeste, y la región autónoma de Koriakia al sur. Algunos Chukchi también residen en otras partes de Rusia, en Europa y Norteamérica. El número de chukchis en el mundo apenas excede los 15.000.

Debido al largo invierno y a las bajas temperaturas de la zona en que viven, las mujeres chukchis son expertas en la confección de prendas de abrigo. La ropa que llevan los chukchis en invierno es muy eficaz contra el frío reinante de la zona en que viven.


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  • Chukchi — or Chukchee [chook′chē΄] n. [< Russ < Chukchee tawtu, keepers of the reindeer] 1. a member of a people now living in northernmost Siberia 2. the language of this people …   English World dictionary

  • Chukchi — /chook chee/, n., pl. Chukchis, (esp. collectively) Chukchi for 1. 1. a member of a Paleo Asiatic people of northeastern Siberia. 2. the Chukotian language of the Chukchi people, noted for having different pronunciations for men and women. Also,… …   Universalium

  • Chukchi —    Ethnic group. The Chukchi are the titular minority of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, but also reside in the Sakha, Magadan, and Kamchatka regions of the Russian Far East. In total, there are only some 15,000 Chukchi, making them one of the… …   Historical Dictionary of the Russian Federation

  • Chukchi — noun (plural Chukchi or Chukchis) Etymology: Russian chukcha (plural chukchi), probably ultimately from Chukchi čavčəv reindeer breeder Date: 1780 1. a member of a Siberian people inhabiting the Chukchi Peninsula …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Chukchi — The term Chukchi may refer to: Chukchi people Chukchi language Chukchi Peninsula Chukchi Sea See also Chukotka (disambiguation) Chukotsky (disambiguation) This disambiguation page lists articles associated with the same title …   Wikipedia

  • Chukchi — noun 1. a member of an indigenous people living on the Chukchi Peninsula • Hypernyms: ↑Siberian 2. an indigenous and isolated language of unknown origin spoken by the Chukchi that is pronounced differently by men and women • Syn: ↑Chukchi… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Chukchi — 1. adjective /ˈtʃuktʃiː/ Referring to or coming from Chukotka. 2. noun /ˈtʃuktʃiː/ a) A Palaeosiberian language spoken by Chukchi people in the easternmost extremity of Siberia, mainly in Chukotka Autonomous Okrug. b) A …   Wiktionary

  • Chukchi — n. member of a people of northeast Siberia (also Chukchee) n. language of the Chukchi that is known for being pronounced differently by women and men (also Chukchee) …   English contemporary dictionary

  • Chukchi — [ tʃʊktʃi:] noun (plural same or Chukchis) 1》 a member of an indigenous people of extreme NE Siberia. 2》 the language of the Chukchi, belonging to a small family also including Koryak. Origin from Russ …   English new terms dictionary

  • Chukchi — Chuk•chi or Chuk•chee [[t]ˈtʃʊk tʃi[/t]] n. pl. chis or chees, (esp. collectively) chi or chee. 1) peo a member of a Paleosiberian people inhabiting the Chukchi Peninsula and adjacent areas of extreme NE Siberia 2) peo the language of the… …   From formal English to slang

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