Entidad sionista

Entidad sionista

Entidad sionista

Imagen satelital de Israel.

"Entidad sionista" (en árabe: الكيان الصهيوني) (en persa: رژیم صهیونیستی) es un término que se utiliza principalmente en el mundo árabe [1] [2] [3] y en el mundo musulmán[4] como un eufemismo peyorativo para referirse al Estado de Israel.[5] [6] La frase es utilizada como un medio de expresión hostil hacia Israel,[1] rechazando el reconocimiento de su existencia,[1] [7] [8] o negando su derecho a existir.[2] [9] Se ha descrito como una expresión que refleja el odio racial.[10]

Antes de 1967, el término fue el estándar utilizado por los árabes para referirse a Israel,[11] y fue particularmente popular en las emisiones oficiales de Egipto, Siria y Jordania durante las décadas de 1960 y 1970.[12] El uso de este término ha persistido desde entonces.[13] [14] [15] Ha sido utilizado, entre otros, por la Autoridad Palestina, la OLP,[10] "Irán, el régimen de Saddam Hussein, por el Hamás" y "los embajadores de Siria e Iraq ante las Naciones Unidas en los debates del Consejo de Seguridad en febrero y marzo de 2003, que precedieron a la invasión de Iraq."[4]


  1. a b c Kirkpatrick, Jeane (1988). Legitimacy and Force: Natural and International Dimensions. Transaction Publishers, pp. 7. ISBN 0-88738-647-4. «In this Arab world where faith and politics are linked, traditionalists and radicals, Saudis and Libyans, can unite in hostility against the state of Israel - whose right to exist they deny, whose very existence they refuse to acknowledge, whose name they refuse to utter, calling Israel instead 'the Zionist entity' or 'the deformed Zionist entity'.»
  2. a b Cohen, Getzel M. (2006). The Hellenistic Settlements in Syria, the Red Sea Basin, and North Africa. University of California Press, 420 (footnote 44). ISBN 0-520-24148-7. "Many Arab and Palestinian spokespeople have stopped calling the State of Israel by its name and have reverted to the expression 'the Zionist entity'. This can be understood as a return to questioning the very legitimacy of the existence of the state Israel."
  3. Karsh, Efraim (2000). Fabricating Israeli History: The "New Historians". Routledge, 11. ISBN 0-7146-5011-0. "...echoing not only the long-standing Arab castigation of Israel as 'the Zionist entity'..."
  4. a b Selbourne, David. Losing Battle with Islam, Prometheus Books, 2005, ISBN 978-1-59102-362-3, p. 202. "...the Israelis have suffered from repeated invasion, subjection to suicide-attacks, and the view that Israel was not a state like others. The various non-state names given to Israel in the Muslim world have been tokens of it. Of these the commonestused by Iran, the Saddam Hussein regime, by Hamas, by the Lebanese Shi'ite movement, and many othershas been the term 'Zionist entity', or non-state. In 1991, during the Gulf War, the Iraqi army newspaper described Israelavoiding its very nameas the 'bastard entity of the Zionists', to which it vowed 'complete annihilation'. The same term, 'Zionist entity', was used by both the Syrian and Iraqi ambassadors to the United Nations in the Security Council debates in February and March 2003, which preceded the invasion of Iraq."
  5. Lassner, Jacob and Troen, S. Ilan. Jews and Muslims in the Arab World: Haunted by Pasts Real and Imagined, Rowman & Littlefield, 2007, 129. ISBN 0-7425-5842-8. "Does their approach to the Zionist entity, the pejorative euphemism by which they refer to Israel, differ from mainstream Palestinian nationalists..."
  6. Karsh, Efraim. Arafat's Grand Strategy, Middle East Forum, Volume XI, Number 2, Spring 2004. "This pervasive denigration of Jews has been accompanied by a systematic denial of the Jewish state's legitimacy by both the PA and the PLO. Israel is often referred to by the pejorative phrase, 'the Zionist entity.' Israel is glaringly absent from Palestinian maps, which portray its territory as part of a 'Greater Palestine,' from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean."
  7. Marlin, Randal (2002). Propaganda and the Ethics of Persuasion. Broadview Press, pp. 161. ISBN 1-55111-376-7. «Nations can be ignored by not recognizing their existence. Some Arabs would prefer not to speak of 'Israel', but of the 'Zionist entity'.»
  8. Bengio, Ofra. Saddam's Word: Political Discourse in Iraq, Oxford University Press US, 2002, ISBN 978-0-19-515185-5, pp. 134-135. "...we find a much greater variety of derogatory terms employed to deny the legitimacy of Israel's existence and to express contemptmixed with fearfor Zionism... The most frequent way of denying Israel's statehood is al-kiyan al-Sahyuni (the Zionist entity)..."
  9. Sank, Diane & Caplan, David I. (1991). To Be a Victim: Encounters with Crime and Injustice. Plenum Press, ISBN 0-306-43962-X, p. 289. "The very phrase 'Zionist entity' reveals the ultimate intention of those who use it. The State of Israel cannot be dignified by being called by its proper name. To refer to it as 'Israel' is to acknowledge its existence as a legal entity."
  10. a b Tilley, Virginia Q. (2005). The One-state Solution. University of Michigan Press, pp. 198. ISBN 0-472-11513-8. «Nevertheless, no special Jewish sensitivity is required to glean racial hatred from Palestinian suicide bombings of Jewish civilians, bombings and defacings of synagogues in Europe, hostile rhetoric about 'the Jews' from such Islamic groups as Hezbollah and Hamas, and decades of Arab-state rhetoric about 'the Jews' and the 'Zionist entity'.»
  11. Mitchell, Thomas G. Native Vs. Settler: Ethnic Conflict in Israel/Palestine, Northern Ireland, and South Africa, Greenwood Publishing Group, 2000, ISBN 978-0-313-31357-8, p. 48. "Before 1967 it was standard for Arabs to refer to the "Zionist entity" rather than to Israel by name."
  12. Oz, Amos (1996). Under this Blazing Light. Cambridge University Press, pp. 4. ISBN 0-521-57622-9. «...the transmissions of Jordan, Syria, and Egypt. Whenever they referred to Israel, they used the term 'the Zionist entity'. The announcer would say, 'the so-called government of the so-called state', but would stop short of pronouncing the word Israel, as if it were a four letter word
  13. Patai, Raphael & Patai, Jennifer. The Myth of a Jewish Race, Wayne State University Press, 1989, ISBN 978-0-8143-1948-2, p. 179. "For some thirty years after the establishment of Israel, the Arab states, most of which gained independence about the same time as Israel, did not acquiesce in the existence of the small "Zionist entity" (as they referred to it) in their midst."
  14. Miller, Judith. God Has Ninety-Nine Names: Reporting from a Militant Middle East, Simon & Schuster, 1997, ISBN 978-0-684-83228-9, p. 315. "Even after Madrid, the state-controlled Syrian press had avoided printing the name Israel, referring instead to 'the Zionist entity,'..."
  15. Humphreys, R. Stephen. Between Memory and Desire: The Middle East in a Troubled Age, University of California Press, 2005, ISBN 978-0-520-24691-1, p. 51. "But even so, for politicians and intellectuals throughout the Arab world, Israel (or as they usually called it, "the Zionist entity") was only the reflection of larger and more sinister forces."

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