It Could Happen Tomorrow

It Could Happen Tomorrow

It Could Happen Tomorrow (en español: "Podría pasar mañana") es una serie de televisión de The Weather Channel de Estados Unidos que, al igual que series como Mega Desastres y Un Perfecto Desastre, proyecta varios escenarios de desastres naturales en las ciudades estadounidenses que corren peligro de ser destruidas.


Temporada uno

Evento Ciudad
Huracán Nueva York
Tornado F5 Dallas, Texas
Erupción Mount Rainier Orting, Washington
Tsunami Anchorage
Terremoto Memphis (Tennessee)
Inundación Sacramento (California)
Incendio forestal San Diego (California)
Terremoto San Francisco (California)
Inundación Boulder, Colorado
Huracán Nueva Orleans

El episodio del Huracán Katrina fue hecho semanas antes del evento, por lo que después de que efectivamente ocurriera fue transmitido como episodio perdido.

Segunda Temporada

Evento Ciudad
Tornado F5 Chicago
Huracán Houston
Tornado F5 San Luis (Missouri)
Tsunami Hawái
Terremoto Seattle
Incendio forestal Austin
Terremoto Las Vegas
Tornado F4 Washington D.C.
Huracán Miami
Huracán Savannah
Terremoto Charleston (Carolina del Sur)
Incendio forestal Los Ángeles
Huracán Tampa

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Enlaces externos

Wikimedia foundation. 2010.

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Mira otros diccionarios:

  • It Could Happen Tomorrow — infobox television | show name = It Could Happen Tomorrow format = Documentary runtime = 30 minutes creator = Jim Cantore executive producer = starring = Various Weather Experts country = USA network = The Weather Channel first aired = January 15 …   Wikipedia

  • could — strong /kUd/ modal verb 3rd person singular couldnegative short form couldn t 1 the past tense of can : Could you hear that all right? | I couldn t get tickets after all, they were sold out. | Marcia said we could smoke, it was okay with her. see …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • Make Way for Tomorrow — UK Blu Ray cover Directed by Leo McCarey Produced by …   Wikipedia

  • It Happened Tomorrow — Infobox Film name = It Happened Tomorrow caption = Movie poster for It Happened Tomorrow director = René Clair producer = Arnold Pressburger writer = Short Story Writer: Lord Dunsany Screenwriters: René Clair Helene Fraenkel Dudley Nichols Howard …   Wikipedia

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  • Mega Disasters — Genre Documentary Disaster History Science Country of origin United States Language(s) …   Wikipedia

  • The Weather Channel (United States) — Infobox TV channel name = The Weather Channel logofile = TWClogo.svg logosize = 150px logoalt = TWC logo logo2 = launch = May 2, 1982 closed date = picture format = 480i (SDTV) 1080i (HDTV) share = share as of = share source = network = owner =… …   Wikipedia

  • Storm Stories — Format Documentary/Drama Presented by Jim Cantore Country of origin United States …   Wikipedia

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